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Friday, March 29, 2024

Friday Morning Open Thread

 Happy International Mermaid Day!

International Mermaid Day is observed on March 29th. Tales of mythical sea creatures described as having the head and body of women and fishtails are present all around the globe. In Africa, they are the mythical water spirits, Mami Wata, in Eastern Europe, the Rusalki, which are nymphs of fertility and agriculture. In Ireland, they are called merrows. In Southeast Asia, Suvannamaccha. - https://www.internationaldays.co/event/international-mermaid-day/r/recg2T5Cthm3jdxY4

If you're looking for a movie to celebrate the day with, on the family friendly side of things, you've got The Little Mermaid (1989 or 2023).

On the "what the fuck did I just see" side, you've got The Lure (2017). 

I went to see it at a small local cinema completely blind and didn't understand what was happening much of the time. Had I know it was set in an Poland it would have been much clearer but it really works if you're confused.

Happy Mermaid Friday!
