Good evening.
It is Friday, April 26th, 2024. "William Gaines’ Trophy Room by Christian Slade".
Chopped egg salad sandwich & Cardamom milk
byu/Reasonable-Plant6119 inBreakfastFood
Basil tomato fritatta, pretzel with seared peppenaro garlic ham and Carolina reaper cheddar sammich.
byu/Foojab inBreakfastFood
Sheet Pan Pizza for 9yo Birthday Party
byu/DRoyLenz inPizza
painting of wood
byu/Individual_Book9133 inoddlysatisfying
just not news...
byu/popularcaptaincy11 incartoons
Chiropractics 👍
byu/MrAlek360 inTikTokCringe
Maybe maybe maybe
byu/Green____cat inmaybemaybemaybe
Who's a good influencer? You are!
byu/StevenMaurer infunny