^^ photograph of a piece of Faith Ringgold's on exhibit at the Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art
^^ This is Hans Zimmer and his modular Moog synthesizer
But the guy just got another Oscar so at this point I'm wondering if he's more than 120 years old
I have pictures, so I'm glad there is also video talking about the organization itself - Sentebale is hosting its first charity auction this year
and PH scoring a polo goal, since I understand there's going to be a Netflix series on Polo along with Duchess Meghan's gardening and cooking show
One of those "when did I think I would ever have the slightest interest in polo" moments
More details about the Duchess' wardrobe in comments (of course the dress is sold out)
and what feels like a related question
along with the "too short songs" set
and the "whole lotta people on stage" set