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Caturday Morning Open Thread

   Hello and welcome to another weekendish thing.  

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Wednesday Open Thread the First

Hope the people west of me are doing OK. Sounds like a horrible mess. Winds are still ~ 25 mph here.
Please check in and say "Hi," so we know you're alive. 
The news in general is bleak and terrifying, and this particular item isn't necessarily a happy story tho it has a killer title, but at least it's visually rewarding. Per the AP, "Mexico’s often violent disputes between street performers reached a new level this week when a group of guitar-toting mariachis attacked a flame-swallower. What happened next was, perhaps, predictable."

It's 1:32 in the morning. The wind is fierce enough it's blowing the back gate open. Tried to word a post about an old ex for World Goth Day '24 but decided to skip it. Couldn't find a Goth tune about mariachis or fire swallowers, much less about a dispute between them, so I'll just post a band she and I both loved at the time. Dirty ass rock n roll in monochrome. I believe they were still performing as Warsaw at the time:

Stay loose and survive the day. The weekend is coming soon. And Happy World Goth Day, C., whatever you're up to.

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