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Thursday, November 7, 2019

Is Anyone Waiting for an Invite?

Is anyone waiting to get added either here or at the reddit spot? It looks like we might have a little time to figure out what works and what doesn't, so I'd like to get people added to see how that all shakes down.

Obviously, this is far superior as far as writing actual posts and articles goes. Reddit definitely excels at the discussion aspect.


  1. Hi! CestLaVie here- took some sleuthing but I found my way over 😸

  2. Overall, I think I prefer this format. Both this format and reddit do allow for coherent conversation, but this one is more lively in design, and I do like the ability to post graphics. Kabuki fan, like some I saw today:

  3. Looking Good! Look at that sexy pancake.

  4. Def Leopard wrote that song Pour Some Maple On Me for a reason.

  5. First time I saw Kabuki was in elementary school. It was interesting, if not confusing for a young mind to comprehend. I am glad that I was exposed to it young, though. Not everyone (hillbillies who vote Trump) can appreciate different cultures.

  6. For some reason this comment was marked as spam. I got an email that it needed moderation.

    No forkin' idea why. I'm going to have to play with the disqus settings to stop this nonsense from happening.

    In any case if you want author rights you'll need to give/post/email kristinbytes @ gmail and I'll add you. Or Owl. She should be able to add you as well.

    Need to pawn this back off on her and snacks if this moves foward.

  7. Every good thing in life should be in moderation. Except C'estLaVie. And breathing. Both are necessities.

  8. I'm not seeing who posted this (I mean I can see it was Owl looking in admin tools but I don't see it on the actual post) so that should be fixed.

    Also, I'm not a big fan of the reaction stuff. So maybe get rid of it all. Or only keep the up vote. Although there's a little recommend heart so really how much reaction do we need.

    Anything else we're seeing that can be fixed. If we're really staying here things like shrinking the little girl image a bit seem like a good idea.

    Or hell, someone can pick a better theme. I just went with one of the "Simple ones" because too many choices give me a headache.

  9. I linked reddit on the sidebar so we could keep both around if desired.

    I"m pretty much here for the gifs. https://media3.giphy.com/media/F0uUtL7lmALCM/giphy.gif

  10. Okay, I fixed the posted by thing.

    Now I've gotta go to bed. Or just call in sick to work tomorrow. Tough call.

  11. Is there a Magnum PI theme? Or Smokey & The Bandit theme? I'm all for those.

  12. https://media3.giphy.com/media/99MZnHx0G8yuk/giphy.gif

    No but there is a Cannonball run theme.

  13. Posted by, I see. I was going to mention the reaction stuff too. I think we can lose both the disqus emoji module and the box check section in the blogging portion beneath the time stamp and author ID. The recommend button is plenty, and I'm not even sure what that's doing besides moral support. In the days of channels on disqus that would help drive up the visibility of the post within that sphere (which led to a lot of randos stopping by) but those no longer exist. I'll ask Cali later since she's a big time disqus super mod.

    Looks good. Nice job.

  14. I think the upvote arrow is useful as an acknowledgement that a reply has been a) seen and noted, and b) agreed with.

  15. I'd be all for a musical intro!

  16. Thanks; I noticed that. Makes for easy toggling.

  17. Talking about the recommendation button up there under the comment count not the upvote/downvote buttons

  18. Oh right; yeah, there are rather a lot of reaction thingies.

  19. Hello! I'm just trying to figure out if I am truly connected to this place. Also that is a very cute wombat. Bertolt would approve.

  20. Unfortunately I couldn't get it to automatically open in a new tab with a target_"blank" and I don't want to play around with the html and make it hard to manage since I plan to pawn it once it's up and running. But I checked out Space99's site and he didn't either so I don't feel bad as he's about six steps ahead of me (which is great because then I can use his knowledge).

  21. Yeah, I found the check box to show author right away. And where to remove the reaction stuff but I thought I'd let people weigh in before removing. Sunday it's supposed to be snowy so I'll probably work on it then.

  22. Ok so I am a bit confused atm. The invite sent me to google which created what seems like a new account? So I'm guessing this one here (a disqus) would not allow me to post then?

    So now I think I have 2 accounts ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  23. Correct. Disqus is a commenting add in and uses that account. Took me a while to figure out that I had to change settings on the blog and disqus.

  24. Ok so then would I need to keep both accounts (gmail to publish, disqus to comment) or do I only need the gmail account now? Sorry to keep pestering you but I'm completely new to this platform

  25. Technically it's set to allow anonymous comments but to have your name come up and post gifs I believe you need a disqus account. My disqus account was setup with my kristinbytes gmail. Most social media things are unless they're older like YouTube or reddit.

  26. C'est La! Is there not a reddit post about this place? We need to remedy that. https://media1.giphy.com/media/LeYFkniJST8wo/giphy.gif

  27. Ah no there wasn't. The only way I knew about it was OWYAC mentioned it to me on there, but I didn't know the URL. Had to find my way over to the GT Reddit- kristenbytes had linked to it on a comment there, I guess

  28. I assume thesecondmrsfinch is you in the sidebar. Unless we have our first imposter?

  29. It's me! Surprisingly enough the mrsfinch moniker is a popular one, so in some cases I have to specify that I am the second mrsfinch.

  30. I would not be one bit surprised if you had emulators.

  31. I'm imaginary friend over there at kinjaworld.

