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Caturday Morning Open Thread

Hello and welcome to another weekendish thing.

Monday, November 30, 2020

Let the Battle Begin!

 Welcome to today’s installment of Parley Vous Mondays.

Wikipedia defines a parley as thus: A parley (from French: parler - “to speak”) refers to a discussion or conference, especially one designed to end an argument or hostilities between two groups of people.

And vous means you! Yes, you.

So what can we take from that, you ask? Well, remember to be civil as we debate our different opinions. Behave yourself, little Balkers, this is all in good fun. We can argue or we can agree, but the idea is to amuse each other with our similarities and differences. Okay...disclaimer aside, let’s start debating!

Today’s topic: alcoholic beverages

What are your opinions? Do you or do you not drink? Wine about it! Which drinks are gross or overrated? Beerly gettin’ started! What’s your favorite poison? Rum -ble time! Elaborate cocktails or neat? Gin -eric or brand name?  Let’s hear it! 

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