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Happy Sunday

  Good morning, everyone. I hope you’re having a nice weekend.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Twosday Open Thread

Hallo, Balkers! 

Here is today’s new landing page while we wait for kinja to be enveloped forever into the ether.

How are you holding up today? Are we figuring out how this new place works? 

Daily Distraction: 

cute baby bat video!


  1. Kia was very tired after all the playing at the park with mrsfinch yesterday; I took a selection of her favourite balls, and they alllll had to be thrown at various times. I hop the weather holds so that we can do again sometime.

  2. i have no idea what i'm doing but i am trying. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3e1c6c699278a8e2b567d57b27c8b696a3d9014050f23cfff28101f9cb6c3563.jpg

  3. Good morning! You have gone above and beyond today, my friend! I'm glad to see Simon and CT got their author privs. If anyone else needs them, just reach out.

  4. Cute! My dog has a favorite toy pig that was her very first toy I got her when she was a puppy. She treats it like her baby. 10 years. She’s had it for 10 years.

  5. Trying to remember to look at this page everytime I check the old Backtalk page. Hopefully it will become old hat eventually. https://media0.giphy.com/media/QBcuE4Jas6MxmTWiIn/giphy.gif

  6. It’s gonna take an adjustment, but we’ll get used to it

  7. I figured best to get the training wheels rolling so we all start gravitating over here

  8. Awww; sweet girl. Kia's favouritest favourite toy is a squeaky ball, but she will temporarily abandon it for something new, or something that's been put away for awhile.

  9. Nice! And welcome! I don't think we can post gifs and pics on the reddit site, so I'm finding that I like this site better; it's more like kinja, and more dynamic.

  10. Reddit confounds me to no end. I'm not minding this but still slightly confused. I'll get the hang of it.

  11. Eventually we'll adjust! The site that leaves me completely cold is discord; it's like shouting into the void, hoping someone will hear you. It's just a rolling, unorganized series of comments.

    It's too bad we won't be able to do the crossposting anymore, though from here. Maybe Deadsplinter? Which I have yet to join.

  12. Yeah, i noped out of discord pretty quickly. I signed up for deadsplinter but haven't done anything else there yet.

  13. I have joined Deadsplinter. It seems pretty cool. I like the way the format looks but it has its own confusing differences too

  14. Overall it will be a good change. Just learning during the transition.

  15. Hey! Did you want authorship? Just give me an email address and I can send you an invite. You can message one to me on Reddit or Twitter or email owlislost@gmail.com if you don't want to post it publicly.

  16. Discord is so noisy! I really wanted to love it and just don’t.

  17. Yeah. I think a lot of the GTer's are planning on joining Deadsplinter, and maybe abandoning the reddit site they set up, for some of the same reasons I'm not sold on reddit. Off to join Deadsplinter ...

  18. Firbank as a wee kitty had a plushtoy mouse that he'd carry everywhere like a child with his teddy. Sometimes left by his food bowl; usually with him as he slept with us on the bed. However, also being a kitten, the day came when he mercilessly ripped it open and stuffing went flying everywhere. So Farewell, Mr Mousie. Neither he nor the other two have taken to any toys since (boxes, crinkly leaves, crumpled paper - oh boy! ... actual cat toys, forget it.

  19. One of my dogs "adopted" a mouse cat toy as her puppy for about a year, but it eventually came to a bad end.

  20. Fancy font you've got there.

    I need to look into scheduling post as there's no way I can create a post every Friday morning. It must be scheduled in advance when I happen to see something amusing on twitter.

  21. And I see on the left menu bar you can select a date and time to publish so huzzah.


  22. Teh ruh is like this with her binkies - aka strings and wand toys - though usually it's to point out to me that I really need to entertain her. And of course she has never fallen out of love with her bun bun. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6cda249a832e2d8575ae6049a4878b099db5d2e28bb2da3025c33568e40f81a1.gif

  23. I said the same thing today. Blinding.

  24. I didn’t even know about discord, but since all y’all don’t like it, I prob won’t bother looking for it

  25. Yeah scheduling in advance is a must. Glad you figured it out. The post editor is actually super easy to figure out. You can even preview before posting, which helps when experimenting with links n stuff

  26. I was just wondering about that. That's good.

  27. Are you going to make a post on blogger for Wednesday morning? Or if you’re not ready yet, would you like me to?

  28. What are they doing?

    (It’s Rooo. Not having an identity crisis - ar least no more so than usual)

  29. I think I'm having a weird time, as I tried to go back and post on the Monday thread and couldn't do it.

    Do we only get to comment via Disqus on the thread that's live for the day ...?

    Feels like living in Logan's Run or The Island before they pull out the machine guns and sports cars. Something.

  30. Hi, Crest!

    I am stumbling around, but just trying to bring the good luggage https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bde2d8f7bbbbed350c000c922238aeec2e874ea598fdc424dac62a48cb4d2182.jpg

  31. As long as you’re logged into Disqus, you should be able to comment on any post, I think

  32. https://twitter.com/mehdirhasan/status/1326237607144132609?s=19

  33. Also I meant to call you by your actual internet name, but the combination of my fingers and keyboard give no damns.



  34. It’s okay! I knew that was the case :)

  35. kristenbytes got me but thank you! :)

  36. *sigh* And now we get to the bit I hate about having all these different sites...I have had to reset passwords already...

    Good news though. The logitech universal bluetooth keyboard is here, yay! And it actually pairs properly with my phone, yay! And I am typing on it right now and it's a pretty good size for my hands and is actually pretty damned comfortable, yay!

  37. Gah, is this ever true. I stupidly thought that I could go back to watching the news already, and still I can't stand it. And is it me, or is MechaNinny's voice getting more annoying with every lying word she spurts?

  38. i think i'm figuring this all out. maybe...

  39. Are you finding that when you're making a main post, if you put pictures in it, the resolution has to be less /smaller?

    I don’t have to reduce my pictures below 800 × 600 on Disqus, but I was trying to make a post today and I think that the image I picked is still loading 😶

  40. Supposedly as long the image is under 5mb it will work. But then I had a few that were well under and it kept telling me the file was too large. :/ tried a different image and it worked then tried the first one again and then it worked fine. Like curing the hiccups with distraction, lol.

