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Saturday, January 30, 2021

American History Must Be Preserved & Defended Even As Unrelenting Efforts Continue to Try To Erase It – In Memoriam for Miss Cicely & OT


I’m a decent aggregator but there is always going to be someone who writes more eloquently about what she meant to more than one generation of people whom she made feel seen, in a hostile climate where unrelenting efforts were (and continue to be) made to eradicate all positive images of those same people


Some many only know Miss Cicely from her pantheon of Tyler Perry movies (even as they don’t know that he would regularly double or triple the rate she was paid for each of his movies, once he learned she’d been paid next to nothing for Sounder, where her performance secured her her first Oscar nomination).

But there will be a list and trailer for her not-to-be missed performances in comments … as well as a link for her book, which came out just before she passed.


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