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  F’cking Tuesdays, am I right?

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Shark-Kiss Saturday Away Day (with added rude bits)

It's the last day of Kiss A Shark Week. Guess they can bite now. Due to the pandemic National Cowboy Poetry Gathering Week is cut down to one day only. It's National Escape Day - which you might need observing Yodel At Your Neighbors Day. Croissant Day should be safe. It's also Inane Answering Message Day.

Since this video dropped last year Oumi Janta has become a full time professional Skater Girl.

This might not be for the fainthearted.

British place names banned by Facebook. What do they do with Piddlehinton?

Last week the water was off for a couple of hours while the water board sorted a burst for a neighbour. no big deal, but it reminded me that when the Beast from the East was blowing the supply was cut for significantly longer. Maybe I should get in a supply of bottled water? Or is there a better option? 

Lord Chancellor adopts Mrs Landingham.

Hang on to your blueberry muffins.

Why the food we eat matters. Just in time for National Seed Swap Day.

Iron Man's Climate Change mission.

What cost an elephant?

Pints and pooches.

Want to buy an original Hunter?

The stink over pandemic pup poo

The cheapest millionaire?

Cerrie Burnell.

That's lush, the Barry Dino left tracks and Stacysaurus.

Very low on cats for Caturday. Or bats for Baturday. Fill in the gaps please.

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