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Thursday Morning Open Thread

 Saw this a few days ago and it made me laugh, probably more than it should have. Skyrim with mods is a silly place.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Living on A Rollercoaster – 100 Hours If We Can Make It – Saturday Night OT


Some of the worst news I’ve heard in just the past three days is that the MyPillow Guy showed up at the WH and one of the WaPo photographers got a look at his notes, which included phrases like “blame the Chinese” and “martial law”, and that Rudy showed up (which I’m thinking means he has to at least suspect he’s going to get charged by the real non-crooked Feds with something, and he’s angling for a pardon, since he KNOWS he’s not gonna get paid because 45 already stiffed him but if he’d checked with any of the  “little people” at any point where he was angling for a THIRD TERM as “New York’s mayor”, according to Pataki’s book, he would have already known Donald ALWAYS stiffs his contractors).


Some of the *best* news, though, is that Vice President Kamala Harris is going to be sworn in by Justice Sonia Sotomayor using SCOTUS Justice Thurgood Marshall’s Bible.


Also, it is Lin Manuel Miranda’s birthday today, and it will be Rev Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday on Monday.





Here we are.



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