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Tuesday Evening Post

  Caption the scene above.

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Ready for March OT

 Well, look at that. It's the eve of March. Any plans for the ides? They'll be on us before we know it.

Please  join me in wasting some time on this lazy, rainy-ish Sunday.

Flapcat Steampunk Game (couldn't find a lion or lamb related game, but everyone likes cats. And steampunk. Probably.)

Bouncing Squirrel Game 

How'd the weekend go? Any lucky person have tomorrow off?

Post your news and top scores below!

The Gallery


It’s your weekly Photo Gallery! Come on in, take a look at what people have been up to over the past week and share some of your own photos.

They don’t need to be taken with a fancy camera or works of art. Share any SFW photos you’ve taken with even the poorest of potatoes. Of course we love to see that arty stuff too.

Sunday Morning Open Thread

 It's above freezing again today and we're supposed to get some rain so pretty much early spring. I'll take it over real winter.

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Yolanda King the Younger, Activist and 7th Grader - Saturday Night OT


I heard her speak today on Politics Nation as part of a special feature on Black History Month

I thought the reminder -- she is a March for Our Lives activist and spoke at one of their outdoor events (in the before times, when we had those; it wasn't that long ago but it might be fair to say that all the chaos has warped our collective sense of time) was inspirational given that in the face of all this backlash -- which has been seen before, literally each and every time minority citizenry makes any kind of progress toward approaching parity in the country -- it sometimes takes more than one generation, with all these reactionaries still in the population, to make progressive change.

Ready for a sword-swallowing Saturday?

It's International Sword-Swallowers Day! And International Polar Bear Day, so sucking on a Fox's Glacier Mint might be the safer bet. Other options include International Tongue Twisters Day, Kahlua Day, Strawberry Day, Retro Day, Protein Day and Pokémon Day.


You can't fool Miss Cleo!


Friday, February 26, 2021

This is HOT SOIL for anyone who has the faith to sow into it RIGHT NOW!


"There's a person, you had a bitter spirit towards me. God sent me to you. It's the Devil that lied to you and put that bitter spirit in your heart."

Friday Evening Open Thread

 Good evening.

What books are we reading lately? Or what's next in the pile? I'm just over halfway into House of Suns, and it's still good stuff.

Fur Face Friday!

 Hey all and welcome to the last Fur Face Friday of February (this year)! I have so many pics of good dogs playing in the snow to share with you today. I realize this is totally unfair to the cats (who bizarrely don't want to unleash their inner Siberian Tiger), but I'll try to squeeze some of them in too!

First up from last week, did you know that snow Corgis were a thing? Ysubassoon's friend Darwin does!

Friday Morning Open Thread

 Morty has a youtube channel!


Thursday, February 25, 2021

"A Universe Not Made For Us (excerpt)" -Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space- Carl Sagan (1997)

"Our time is burdened under the cumulative weight of successive debunkings of our conceits: We’re Johnny-come-latelies. We live in the cosmic boondocks. We emerged from microbes and muck. Apes are our cousins. Our thoughts and feelings are not fully under our own control. There may be much smarter and very different beings elsewhere. And on top of all this, we’re making a mess of our planet and becoming a danger to ourselves."

I never thought I'd believe in it until it happened to me

No matter how closely I study it. No matter how I take it apart. No matter how I'll break it down. It remains consistent. I WISH YOU WERE HERE TO SEE IT!


Thursday evening open thread

 Creeeepy! From Bored Panda


And a trip along a Dutch canal, if you want to spend a tranquil 10 minutes.


It's that time of the week! Let us share those Very Special Fussings we've saved up all week, and blaurgh them out.

Thursday Morning Open Thread!


Got a technical call to listen to this morning, so I have that to look forward to I guess.  Any of you got anything to perk you up on the down hill slide towards the weekend?  

Icicles within my brain

  If taken in large doses, it is possible to cause mood swings, paranoia, insomnia, psychosis

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

This Is The Open Thread for Wednesday.

Another nesday, another Wednesday. Whassup in your neck of the woods/city/town/endless tundra?

Good morning! Wake up!

 Or don't. This is pretty much how I feel these days.

How is life in your neck of the woods?

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Tuesday Evening Open Thread

So has everyone slain the Tuesday creeping up behind them with a blunderbuss? How are all our members being pummeled by winter? Holding out, I hope.

Tuesday Haiku


Don’t weep! We are all insects!

Lovers, even the stars themselves

Must eventually part.

-Kobayashi Issa

Heading into Tuesday like...


Hullo. Happy morning and all. I’ll bet you guys are as excited to get up and face the day as I am. /s

Monday, February 22, 2021

Postulation: What if the universe is more boring than we can possibly imagine and that the evolution our consciousness is largely an overcorrection. So we are primed to factor in fantastic things that are absolute bullshit. Survival depends on recognizing patterns but most of the patterns we detect don't actually exist.


Keep feeling fascination


Monday Evening Usurpation Thread

I'm seeing no eve-uh-neenk thread, so I'm flying in and dropping one down. Should the True And Right One show up, I will of course take this down. Have at it (a bit late), folks!

U-turn ahead


You’ve got opinions. I want to hear them. Each week we debate a new topic and compare our similarities and differences.

Monday Morning Ughin' Thread



Morning, all. Sun is up and apparently so am I. How's Monday treating you so far?

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Sunday Night OT

This is the snow fort of my childhood dreams!


How did your weekend go? I spent the day cross country skiing, so I'm sleepy. Looking forward to falling asleep at a reasonable hour tonight. I'm just about there already😴


The Photo Gallery

 It’s your weekly Photo Gallery! Come on in, take a look at what people have been up to over the past week and share some of your own photos.

They don’t need to be taken with a fancy camera or works of art. Share any SFW photos you’ve taken with even the poorest of potatoes. Of course we love to see that arty stuff too.

Sunday Morning Open Thread

 It's sunny out and supposed to hit close to freezing so not too bad.


 “He no longer had need of the encumbrance of the physical identity we have known as L. Ron Hubbard,” Jentzsch said.

Tales of the Future


There will be new love from the ashes of us




Saturday, February 20, 2021

2021 Is Just Extra, And Breaking News Done Broke: Prince Markie Dee In Memoriam OT


I barely have a post.

Whale Day Open Thread

Have a Whale of a time today. It's World Whale Day. Also World Pangolin Day, so that should give Bertolt a smile. Other Days include Love Your Pet Day, Cherry Pie Day, Muffin Day, Handcuffs Day, and Clean Out Your Bookcase Day.

Friday, February 19, 2021

Friday Evening Open Thread

Good evening. It's another work week coming to a close, and Backtalk keeps things loose, they keep things light.

Fur Face Friday

Hello, one and all, and welcome to the Fur Face Friday that comes sledding at the heels of Snowmageddon! Last week Hannibal showed some love for our floofy friends. This week we’re doing our best to keep them safe and warm.

First up, Kristinbytes’ Bindi is rocking the fabolous fur fashions for the season...

You can never have too many spots, dahling...

Friday Morning Open Thread

 It's Friday morning but don't let your guard down.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

I was sitting in the Hollywood Hawaiian Hotel. I was listening to the air conditioner hum.

" Except in dreams you're never really free"

Thursday evening open thread

 Can you spot the product placement in this clip from the Korean historical tv series "Mr. Queen"? It's very subtle, I know ...


Blaurgh Day! Break out those extra-special fussings and complaints, and share them here. We'll do our best to get each other through these weird, weird times.

Thursday Morning Open Thread.

Morning Folks! Been another busy day for me so I didn't get a chance to check out too much for today in history.

I did get a chance to see some retired co-workers. They said retirement is awesome.  I guess maybe I can look forward to that in another 25 to 30 years.

What's going one with you? Ready for it to be the weekend?  Done with winter?  Fire away below?

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Wednesday Open Thread Time It Is

It's one of those Wednesday things again. Hope all are well. Sit back, have some warm tea or a hot toddie (whatever they are), and chat amongst yourselves.

Good Morning!

 I hope everyone is staying warm wherever they are. It's getting positively The Day After Tomorrow all over the place.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Ye Tues Eve Openne Thred

How're most of us handling a return to the Pleistocene? We're due for a rainy week in Sydney, but solar-powered as I am, I can't complain in the face of what y'all are going though. Hope everyone's pipes are safe and homes are warm, and you are safe and warm wthin them (erm, the homes, not the pipes). Here's the spot to talk about how your day has gone. Gone it well?

Tuesday Haiku


The cold wintry wind

The throbbing pain of swelling cheeks on 

People’s faces.

-Matsuo Bashō

T⛄️🌨SD🧊Y Morning Open Thread

 Good morning! I hope everyone’s staying safe and warm out there. 

Monday, February 15, 2021

Monday Evening Open Thread

 Have you seen this?  Designers staging bookcases with the books shelved backwards?  I never dreamed of such a thing.  They say it presents a more uniform appearance.  I say how am I expected to see what is on your bookshelves, and judge your reading choices, with the books all backwards?  This is just another sign that the world is going to hell in a handbasket.

How's the weather in your part of the world, on this holiday Monday?  Still inclement?  We're scheduled for a major snowstorm starting tonight.  I wish it would just get on with it; I hate the feeling of it hanging over my head.

You know what to do, folks.  Have at it in the comments.  Stay warm.

Pumped Up Kicks

It’s Monday, that means it’s time to battle out our opinions on the theme of this week. Are you ready? This week is a doozy. Friends may take opposite sides. Tears may be shed. 

Funny Money! Librum, Solidus, Denarius does Decimal

Oh, this was trauma! What an upheaval! Life would never be the same again! Well, maybe the same, but more expensive. Or was that just general inflation? It was a big subject back then and tactics such as "quantative easing" were evils to avoid. However, February 15th, 1971 lives in infamy as the day all the moolah mutated. Even the chief of police got a set of new coppers. D-Day was here!
