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Tuesday Evening Open Thread

  When's the last time you looked in your refrigerator? I mean really looked in it. Embarrassing, right? Sure, it's clean and well ...

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Sunday! Night! OT!


Today, there was a happy surprise when the sportsball team I follow didn't lose as I expected they would. They ended the other team's 22 game winning streak! Yay! Although they weren't nearly as cute as these little sportsball players. 🙂 Maya, did you watch the game too?

The other surprise in my day was watching someone skijoring. I've heard of it, but never seen it done irl. Essentially, it's skiing while being towed by your dog. I went looking for a good skijoring video, and got sucked down a rabbit hole. Apparently people do this with horses too... I just hope they wear helmets. Skijoring with a dog looks much, much less insane.  

Any happy surprises in your day?

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