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Tuesday Evening Post

  Caption the scene above.

Friday, April 30, 2021


And in a globe of frogs, we're linking tongues and moving on


"Union of the Snake" - Duran Duran (live somewhere in France, 1983)


Is it really Friday? Evening Open Thread

 Good evening.

Image via Sardonicus

Are y'all ready to relax? Will your weather cooperate this weekend?

Still feeling guilty here and second guessing the wisdom of moving that birds nest this morning. Haven't seen them since, so I think they fled to a new neighborhood.

Fur Face Friday


Welcome, once again, to this week's Fur Face Friday!

Friday Morning Open Thread

It's finally Friday after a week of Tuesdays. 

Stay safe. We're almost there. 

Thursday, April 29, 2021


How often were you seduced today? With an eye opening 32 page photo insert


And if the lights are all out, I'll follow your bus downtown.

TV Dinners


Thursday evening open thread

 Some hints for the passive-aggressive among us, from Bored Panda


Blaurgh Talk Thursday

 It is in fact Thursday, at least on the U.S. EC.  Jeffrey Wright is not BLAURGH but voter suppression sure is.

Because not everything is Rosy POTUS Joe and VP Harris & Speaker Pelosi making history after 100 days

According to Joy Reid's Tuesday night show and The Guardian, the International Criminal Court is actually talking seriously about investigating the torture of BIPOC and other marginalized people in U.S. prisons and by U.S. police as crimes against humanity.

It only took them 400 years to do it!

Thursday Morning Open Thread.

 Finally a game that lets me be a couch potato in the game.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Wednesday Evening Open Thread

 Hullo, everyone. Did we get over that hump yet?

This is the good life rightchere.

Good morning, Wednesday


Image via Sardonicus

I suspect Owl is busy, so I'm throwing this up here for your Wednesday morning open thread. I'm also up too early.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Tuesday Evening Otie

Hi Everyone! I've gotta drop this and run; Hubbysaurus is having bad hip/joint troubles and we need to run him all over the city for various tests and appointments the rest of the week - might I ask if other could take up my slack and do the Wed Eve OT and Thursday's BlaurghTalk? I will hopefully be free to create/shhhhhedule them as usual for next week. Oh, and d0 have chat and a sit-down. It's Tuesday evening; you deserve it.

Tuesday Haiku


On a branch

Floating downriver

A cricket, singing.

-Kobayashi Issa

Terrible Tuesday AM OT



Monday, April 26, 2021

What if we told you it is finally possible to enjoy that chargrilled, juicy, succulent food you love every day!


You don't know what you really want


Gil! Scott! Heron!


I'm losing my edge

 I woke up naked on the beach in Ibiza in 1988.

Monday Evening Open Thread


If this post was a pop song, Balkers, it would have no hook.  Your mrsfinch is drawing a blank on witty apercus and provoking prompts for tonight's post.  Here in the iron grip of the third wave, nothing is happening, nothing is allowed to happen and there is nothing of interest to report from Casa Finch, or anywhere else for that matter.  All I ask is that you chime in with what is going on in your life, which is bound to be more eventful than mine.  Fill us in in the comments.

Whereโ€™s my socks? I thought it was here


Welcome to our discussion and debate post for the week. This is a place for everyone to express their opinions on a different topic each Monday afternoon.

Monday Morning Open Thread

    Morning, all. It's Monday and dear god I'm up already. What's got your attention right now?

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Sunday evening OT

 Happy Sunday everyone! Alice is excited about it, at any rate.

I'm recovering from my AZ shot on my couch. That's about all I've done this weekend. What have you all been up to?

The Photo Gallery


  Itโ€™s your weekly Photo Gallery! Come on in, take a look at what people have been up to over the past week and share some of your own photos.

They donโ€™t need to be taken with a fancy camera or works of art. Share any SFW photos youโ€™ve taken with even the poorest of potatoes. Of course we love to see that arty stuff too.

Sunday Morning Open Thread

 It's a rainy Sunday morning here. 


Saturday, April 24, 2021

There will be new love from the ashes of us



I want flatlands. I don't want precious stones. I never cared about anything you've ever owned.


The lone and level sands stretch far away


#RonaldHJohnsonIsBadForWisconsin: Some Justice, Some Peace & RIP DMX, Black Rob, and Shock G - OT

On Eeyore's birthday, Ben Crump in a segment with Joy Reid hosted by Reverend Al makes the point that the voter suppression bills being pushed by Republicans in 43 states coupled with the 81 bills criminalizing peaceful protest also being pushed by Republicans are about one thing - making sure there are no more GA-type victories for large D Democrats or small d democracy, and no more Derek Chauvins being brought to justice.  

Joy Reid has been talking for as long as Sherrilyn Ifill has been writing about racism being a national security vulnerability about the goal of Russiapublicans with these measures being White supremacist minority apartheid rule, just like they had for so long in South Africa.  

It feels not just pragmatic but necessary to consider how we'll make sure all our "red state relatives" are registered to vote / not purged from the rolls -- because it's Russiapublicans at the STATE level that are driving the suppressive logistics as Congressional ones clown it up in the media and hold up any kind of just laws for all Americans at the federal level.

Even on Saturday night - if we want to keep our democracy and not let it slide into autocracy just because White supremacists Republicans are the only ones paying attention -  it's that serious.

Happy Birthday Eeyore

Happy Birthday Eeyore! Hope you can step away from your gloomy place to blow out all your candles. Actually the event in Austin, Texas has been cancelled for the second year, so it looks like social distancing will be maintained.

Friday, April 23, 2021

Hey, It's the Friday Evening Post

 Good evening.

Is that the Backtalk kid with Backtalk pets? You be the judge.

Image via Sardonicus.

In need of some sleep and some sun. You?

Fur Face Friday

Hello, people, and welcome to Fur Face Friday! Last week Leahaven treated us to all sorts of amusing critters. Letโ€™s see who gave us a good show for this week.

Simonโ€™s Tiddly is a shoo-in for nature programming.


"The sun has just risen, the roof is warm and the mice are waiting for their big debut."


Friday Morning Open Thread


Thursday, April 22, 2021

Thursday evening open thread

 Another clip from Mr Queen, the Korean historical/science fiction tv series: a modern chef is thrown back in time to inhabit the body of a queen, and introduces innovative cooking and other food related techniques. 

I like the mix of music; swing to classical


Hopefully this time I got the posting time right. If not, someone give a fella a hand, willya? Anyway, here's our weekly BlaurghTalk session where our more-than-usually annoying grievances get their chance to be aired, and we all talk each other down from our particular ledges. Let the griping begin!

Thursday Morning Open Thread

Red Dead Redemption II is a great map for exploring and sight seeing, just mind the wolves and bears.

So whatโ€™s on the schedule for your Thursday?  Iโ€™ve got work, which sucks. Hopefully your day is looking better.

Fire off the the comments below.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Eveningtime - Wednesday Wednesday, Ba Daaaaa Ba Da-Da-Da

Indeed, it is Wednesday. Anything good come of it for you?

Wednesday Morning Thread


Hello. Time to get up and on with the day, Balkers! 

Unless, like me, you want to model yourself after Frank. I feel like Frank just gets me...

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Tues Eve OT

A little late (sorry, I utterly blanked out) plus I've been playing with the new cat toy received above. Well, with the cats; I've never been a red-dot-chaser myself. How's everyone been?

Guilty on all three counts

Tuesday Haiku



Floating in the breeze,

A single butterfly.

-Masaoka Shiki


Blast Off Into Tuesday


Good morning, everyone.

I hope you all had a restful night, and I wish you the strength to get through the day that lies ahead.

Monday, April 19, 2021

Monday Evening Open Thread


Had to take a sleeping pill last night as I had jangled nerves from having to mount the swift execution of a centipede I found in the bathroom.  This was no ordinary centipede: it was at least three inches long, and against the light-coloured background of my shower curtain it looked about the size of a human hand.  I knocked it to the floor and despatched it with a sharp blow from my slipper, then flushed the corpse to ensure that it would not come back to life and haunt me.  The appearance of these ghastly creatures is actually a sign that spring is really here, but I will never get used to them.  For those in other parts of the world where such things do not exist, allow me to educate you on the subject of the Toronto house centipede.  It is not a cute monster like Randy up above.  It looks like this:

... only with even more legs.

I had a tarantula for ten years, so the world of arachnids holds no further terrors for me, but the centipede is not an arachnid.  It is an abomination.

What bug bugs you the most?  I will also admit to fearing roaches, silverfish, and tent caterpillars.  Unload your fear and loathing in the comments, or just tell me how your day went.  Over to you.

P.S. I got my jab Wed and am now a card-carrying member of the Sore Arm Club.  Felt a little off the next day but on the misery scale I would have given it two out of ten.  Am now hankering for my next shot, in order to get this immunity business over and done with, but will probably have to wait four months for my next shot.  

Air out your dirty laundry


Itโ€™s Monday, and that means itโ€™s time to go to the mat over another divisive theme. Ready to debate and discuss?
