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Saturday, April 17, 2021

As Much As U.S. Culture Loves L & O (some the concept & some the show) – It Might Be A Con: From A Culture of Carceral Hurting to One of Healing


Had a long search this afternoon (as yet unresolved, even though I thought I had taken care of the problem when the stupid little X went away) on a multi-component computer system where all the components come from different manufacturers and it's anyone's guess what software compatibility is causing the stupid drivers to malfunction.

Also had a search for the right words to describe the simultaneous multiple shootings, all by AK-15s, weapon of choice by White “lone wolf” shooters to hurt a lot of people in a hurry – that latest one in Indy, well … never mind; we'll get to that in comments – with the obdurate refusal by the same Congressional Republicans either actively promoting or silently standing by the Ku Klux Caucus' garnering of speed to take ANY action to suffuse these White nationalist “rebels” who are arming themselves … TOGETHER with the near-daily shooting, at this point, by some White nationalist cop of an unarmed BIPOC which would turn into a formal murder if our laws had the language and the prosecutors were willing to charge.

The part about L&O that so many people love is that the cops are always portrayed as “good guys” who wrestle with actual ethics, and the “bad guys” so often get it in the end. The good acting sells the propagandistic concept (which is why we have to at least try to be more critical & discerning in our entertainment consumption – we don't have to turn off the chewing gum for the mind, but we do need to know what we're looking at. That show's been on now in one iteration or another for what – 25 years?).

One might almost think some #TransnationalistCrimeSyndicate is calling the shots with its infiltrating rhetoric being fed to people who really do believe “state sponsored White violence” is an acceptable means to get other people to “submit”.

I thought about a post title like “Affirmative Actions by Americans to Contain the Ku Klux Caucus and Its Constituents” but that feeds right into the kind of thing they've been taught to fear.

I will say it for the Russians running the crime syndicate right now who were trained by the KGB – they really do have a grasp on how to scramble the prefrontal cortex with propaganda so the fearmongering can go straight to the amygdala. I'll give them that.

I'm more twisted up about the Republicans who went over there and learned from them so well, apparently. I thought for a long time Ron Johnson was just lazy, but that's not all we're dealing with here from any of the Confederate Caucus. It's something else.

At this point I think two things would be both most effective and necessary, and I'm happy to see at least one of them has started:

When they get through putting Roger Stone in jail for ~$2 million worth of criminal tax evasion, DOJ can get started on the hearings of just exactly all those Republicans were doing running regularly off to Moscow on taxpayers' money, and find out exactly what they learned about how to manipulate the fear of Americans and who exactly they learned it from.

And then they can yank Cruz & Hawley off the Judiciary Committee and put them in jail along with Tuberville and Tom Cotton (who at this point sound like a parody of an Alice Walker novel).

The other is the indepth policy proposals submitted yet again by Rep Ayanna Pressley, from whom I got at least the inspiration not just for a quasi-decent title but also for a pivot point. I don't want to be hyper-focused on frightened, punitive people bent on violence to get other people to submit (because at the end of the day that's who they are and everyone here knows of whom we speak even when they Should Not Be Named Even if Only Because It's Saturday Night).

I want instead for us to focus on investments for the people who've been most harmed by 401 years of systemic nonsense, just like she does and just like Zerlina does, who had some scorching words about the Stupids Caucus this morning, so we can all thrive as a nation together.

I wish it weren't this difficult to get the Confederates to untwist their psyches. But I guess that would require, as Zerlina pointed out, picking up an actual history book at some point.


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