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Open Thread

  Good evening. I only see the start of an OT that wasn’t finished, so here is an open thread post for tonight. Feel free to bump this one o...

Friday, February 28, 2020

It's a leap day!

Hi there! This bonus round day only swings by once every four years, Balkers! A whole extra day to squander... and it's a Saturday to boot. What're you doing with your extra 24 hours?

Thursday, February 20, 2020

The Good Life: Tonk Patrol Version

The Tonk Patrol says hi! Well, would say hi, if they weren't all asleep. Don't worry, Beckett isn't smothering. That's his 'happysleepy face', honest. Now let's hit publish and see if all the code gobbledygook transforms into a picture. If not, I'll be searching for the delete button instead.
