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I started writing a post about dystopian fiction but I changed my mind. Enjoy this photo of a wintery bridge in a provincial park instead.  ...

Monday, July 5, 2021

Imagine that!


It’s Monday and that means it’s time for another discussion post. 

After all, it’s always fun and interesting to learn what other people think about things and how it compares to your own thoughts.

This week’s theme: imagination and internal dialogue  

I learned from the internet a few years ago that not everyone has an internal voice or constant chain of thoughts and words in their mind. 🤯  This was something I had never even considered. I assumed everyone had that. 

Do you have an internal voice in your head going all of the time or some of the time? How would you describe it? Do you “hear” sentences “aloud” in your head? If not, how do your thoughts come to you?

What about your imagination? Apparently some people literally have no or little imagination. Do you daydream? Can you visualize things in your head? Or is it a different process when you try to create a picture in your mind?

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