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Sunday dinner OT

I started writing a post about dystopian fiction but I changed my mind. Enjoy this photo of a wintery bridge in a provincial park instead.  ...

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Grab The Monday Thistle By The Horns

Last week I was told not to worry about vitamin B deficiencies, just keep taking an over-the-counter supplement. Today, I'm told that I need to come in for the first of a series of booster shots. Ho hum! Very sunny today - even though the Earth will be at its farthest point from the Sun later today. 

Tiddly had me up at five, so while he scooted up the garden I watched Batwoman which currently has a graveyard slot on E4. Strangely coherent this week, well mostly. Bet that won't last.      

The bikini is 75 years old today. Bab's Carry on Camping get-up wasn't that old but still cupped £9,500 at auction.

Also, in 1954 this day, food rationing came to an end in the UK. Some effects lingered on well through my childhood. 

Did this machine move Stonehenge?

Mystery of the Norfolk Seal.

Are jet-packs taking off?

What else is new?

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