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Sunday dinner OT

I started writing a post about dystopia fiction but I changed my mond. Enjoy this photo of a wintry bridge in a provincial park instead.  Th...

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Sunday Evening Open Tread

Greetings southern neighbours, and a happy July 4th to you!

I'm packing for my 1st wilderness trip of the summer. If you don't hear from me next Sunday, assume I've been eaten by bears. Or rattlesnakes. I'm paddling into a rattlesnake sanctuary. They're endangered though, and I've never actually seen one on any of my previous trips. Hopefully I'll get lots of fur face fotos! There were plenty of muskrats, chipmunks, beavers and turtles last summer.

I have a lot of questions about this video, the first of which is why does this man have otters in the house? It's cute, but wouldn't they be happier somewhere with a river or an ocean or something?

Although it's a little safer, I guess.

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