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Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Monday, November 29, 2021
Happy Monday Open Thread - It's a Waning Crescent Moon Tonight
Taking care
We all see the world a little differently. It’s what makes us unique. Share your personal views on things as we discuss a new topic every Monday
Monday Morning Open Thread
Good morning, folks, and welcome to another joyous Monday. I am sure you are all feeling bright eyed and bushy-tailed - NOT. And yet, here we are. So, you know, just climb up and say howdy, or go nuts and tell us whatever you want.
Sunday, November 28, 2021
Sunday evening!
Today went fast!
I had fun at the neighbourhood shinny game this morning. It was the first Sunday the outdoor rink was open, so it was lovely to see all my hockey pals. There was no shinny last year, so it was a pretty good turn out! The snow made things interesting because it both slowed and often hid the puck.Share your weekend adventures below. Ready for the week? Taking it easy tonight? Or still rushing around like me, making dinner, lunches, and finishing up work for tomorrow?
The Photo Gallery
It’s your weekly Photo Gallery! Come on in, take a look at what people have been up to over the past week and share some of your own photos.
They don’t need to be taken with a fancy camera or works of art. Share any SFW photos you’ve taken with even the poorest of potatoes. Of course we love to see that arty stuff too.
You guys SNOW (Sunday Snow-tee)
Sorry, got excited this morning and couldn't wait. Should you wish to post the One True OT, please do so!
The snow gods have answered our prayers! Skiing and skating in the park later! Woot! I hope if you're getting snow today, that it's the beautiful fluffy kind, and that you can stay home and enjoy it through a window if that is your wish.Saturday, November 27, 2021
Friday, November 26, 2021
The Friday Evening Post
Good evening.
So was your Thanksgiving fulfilling? Or for some, your average Thursday? Any food highlights? I kinda wish I had gotten a decadent chocolate cake instead of an apple pie.
If there's already been some Haruki Murakami film adaptations, I haven't seen them, so I'm interested in this.
Haruki Murakami’s vivid stories would seem ideal for big-screen adaptations but they actually rarely succeed. The new drama “Drive My Car” is one of the few exceptions. Murakami and the director Ryusuke Hamaguchi explain the challenges. https://t.co/rmlqSLPkL1
— New York Times Arts (@nytimesarts) November 25, 2021
Fur Face Friday
Hello and welcome! This is the magical place where adorable Fur Faces gather for us to adore them. There was a simply wonderful collection of friends in last week's comments - you can revisit them here if you like!
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Critter strikes a pose! |
In case you're new here, favorites are chosen by one of the Snout Selectors (facw, k2b, Hannibal, leahaven, Iroqdemic and myopicprophet), entirely on our own whimsy. WHIMSY! However, in the interest of solidarity, we try to select one dog picture and one cat picture (minimum!) each week. Other pets will also, of course, be considered. We love all your rats, bunnies, ferrets, and other furry, feathery, and finny pals. WE WILL NEVER DISCRIMINATE AGAINST CUTE
Thursday, November 25, 2021
Thursday evening open thread
Happy Thanksgiving to the USians!
I got mostly nothing, but have a fox, and a fox toy. This is from Save a fox, a fox rescue group, and these foxes cannot be released into the wild, so they live at this refuge.
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
OT Eve; Wednesday
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Tuesday Evening Open Thread
Monday, November 22, 2021
Monday Morning Open Thread
Hey howdy, all you peeps. Monday is happening again, though there may be a bit more weekimus interruptus for those of us in the States-us. Ye gods, how to I stop thus? I mean this? I mean this:
Sunday, November 21, 2021
Sunday evening OT
How are we all? It looks and feels like midnight, but apparently it's dinnertime. I'm feeling eclectic this evening.
The Photo Gallery
It’s your weekly Photo Gallery! Come on in, take a look at what people have been up to over the past week and share some of your own photos.
They don’t need to be taken with a fancy camera or works of art. Share any SFW photos you’ve taken with even the poorest of potatoes. Of course we love to see that arty stuff too.
Sunday Morning Open Thread
Hoping to have a lazy fall Sunday although I should run to the supermarket at some point.
What about you?
Saturday, November 20, 2021
Beautiful Day, but frankly absurd
It is Beautiful Day, Absurdity Day, and Peanut Butter Fudge Day. Other days may be available. Only 35 days to Christmas.
Friday, November 19, 2021
Friday Night Open Thread
Welcome to the weekend folks! Spaced mentioned he wasn’t going to make it tonight but the rest of us can still chill.
Fur Face Friday
Welcome to Fur Face Friday. The US is preparing to observe Thanksgiving next week. So we at Fur Face Central have asked our animal friends to express what they are most grateful for this year.
This beautiful deer appreciates the oats and love received from C'estLavie.
Thursday, November 18, 2021
Thursday evening open thread
I've had my share of bad neighbours; the ones who nearly burned our attached houses down, the one who threatened to assault me at 3 a.m., and of course, the most recent people who never cleaned up after their dogs. The new owner said that the dog crap was a solid 6 inches deep in the yard.
From Bored Panda;
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Wednesday Evening Wednesday Evening Wednesday Evening POST
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Tuesday Evening! Gossip The Night Away!
BackTalkVillage is Officially One Year Old Today Anniversary Morning Open Thread
RIP Kinja. Thanks for everything pic.twitter.com/twYGl9kbvJ
— C'estLaVie (@LaVie_gt) November 16, 2020
Monday, November 15, 2021
Speak up and be heard
We all want our voices to be heard. This weekly post is a place for all of us to speak what we feel about different discussion topics.
Sunday, November 14, 2021
Sunday evening ot
Good evening (EST)! Today is Remembrance Sunday in the UK, and many of us were observing either Veterans or Remembrance Day this week, so I thought poppies would be seasonal.
How's it going?
The Photo Gallery
It’s your weekly Photo Gallery! Come on in, take a look at what people have been up to over the past week and share some of your own photos.
They don’t need to be taken with a fancy camera or works of art. Share any SFW photos you’ve taken with even the poorest of potatoes. Of course we love to see that arty stuff too.
Happy Sunday or Something to That Effect
Looks like we're all still in love with the blankies. Stop by and be sociable when you're good and damned ready.