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Sunday dinner OT

I started writing a post about dystopia fiction but I changed my mond. Enjoy this photo of a wintry bridge in a provincial park instead.  Th...

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Sunday evening 🎄T


I'm posting a bit early for the Balkers in timezones to the east of me. However don't stop visiting the Gallery to have a look at everyone's photos and projects from the week.


Happy first Sunday of Advent to all who celebrate! I set up the candle chimes yesterday although mine are much simpler than the one in the photo. 

Next Sunday is Amnesty International's annual Write for Rights. Their campaign site has a page for each of the human rights, environmental, and political activists whose cases are highlighted this year. There's also some success stories of people released.  Amnesty International Write for Rights 

Chat below. ⤵️

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