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Monday, May 27, 2024

Monday the 27th – Angst It Up

Everyone loves webtoons. Except me. This is one of the few I sort of like.

That's the middle row from a strip about Søren Kierkegaard found here

Hope the USians here had a good Memorial Day. For those outside the US, I hope you had a good Monday. (One source states that almost 1.4 million in the US armed forces have been killed while serving. A depressing solemn holiday. For a lot of USians, Memorial Day is just one of the few days a year they get off other than their 2 weeks of vacation, so I get it. Being a penguin is better in many ways.)

Younger daughter's middle school graduation happens tomorrow evening. She will officially be a high schooler and a full-time existential pain in the ass. She was just apprenticing before. Good day.

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