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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Juneteenth Morning OT

A flag that Martha-Ann (who, she'll have you know, is German. German! she spat, sounding more like a mob moll than Frau Alito, née Bomgardner) won't fly today. But I will drink a toast to friendly neighborhood rabble-rouser Emily Baden, and if she were still neighbors with the Alitos, I would recommend she fly it:

Fly it anyway, Ms Baden.

Chaun Campos @ emory.edu  with a reminder what the date means:

Of the nearly 3.1 million enslaved men and women that were freed in the south, many were not genuinely emancipated until after the war was over. Not until two years after the Emancipation Proclamation was formally issued, did slaves in Texas truly become free from their enslavement. This is where Juneteenth comes in. This holiday is the anniversary of the day that Union Army General Gordon Granger read “General Order No. 3”, after occupying Texas. However, it is not the day that all slaves were set free. Slavery and its horrors continued to be ruled against in United States courtrooms for some time after June 19th, 1865, until all enslaved black people were free.

Some things end, at least officially. There are fights all over the country over modest reparations for 400+ years of Black suffering. Up in Evanston, IL, basically a small city just north of Chicago, there have been attempts at reparations through a Cannabis tax and more recently, a piddling sum for the families of Black residents who experienced housing discrimination during segregation. 25K per. It's a start. Right wing regressive asshats, Judicial Watch, have filed a suit claiming discrimination against whites. That sounds reasonable that other races might have encountered problems too, except this is not at all in good faith, and at the very least, a separate issue and suit. Evanston is considered a liberal town, but hold it upside down and shake it for a minute and watch all the capitalist cultists and MAGA hats tumble out (just like every "liberal" exurb enclave). I hope Mayor Biss can handle the heat. He's a good guy, generally, and I wrote him in for governor when he was running as a state senator. Sorta center-progressive, numbers guy, and his younger kid used to play with mine. Until he tried to drown her (accidentally! they were little and he's not a Kennedy or something) This article lays it out. 

But "Cusader"? Come on. You need someone who can enable spell check, I'm available.

Have a Backtalky day of it, this time sans injury please.

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