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Thursday, June 6, 2024

Thursday Morning Open Thread


Today in 1930 in Springfield Massachusetts Clarence Birdseye company General Foods started selling the first retail frozen food line. So a tip of the hat from anyone who has ever not felt like cooking dinner.

General Foods has been bought, merged, spun off, renamed, and bought again over the years. It’s now the brand Birds Eye owned by ConAgra (with about half of the food industry) Originally they sold flash frozen fruits, vegetables, and some seafood. 

Not sure who actually did the first frozen pizza but some say it was Torino.  Back in High School and working at Save Mart I ate a bunch of the small Torino pizzas.  They were dirt cheap then, like around a buck for a small pepperoni.  Many a lunch break was spent having one of those out of the break room microwave, while the stores Muzak station played over the speaker in the ceiling.

Have a particular favorite frozen food treat? Do you look down on us frozen food heathens from your gourmet tower? Just want to talk? It’s the Open Thread!

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