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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Wednesday OT2 – RE: Backtalk Team Building Activity This Year

I thought this would be a good time to remind you all that signing up for the annual team building activity isn't mandatory, but it is highly encouraged. After the Trust Fall disaster we experienced last summer in Wisconsin, I think it would be prudent to go back to 16" softball. Don't forget to sign the condolence card to Mrs Bubtastic when you get the chance. 

Uncanny X-Men Annual #7, October 1983, Marvel Comics, by C. Claremont, M. Golden, and B. Blevins

A shift in the lineup: My rotator cuff is not what it was, so HoneySmacks will take over in the hot corner (third base) and bat fourth. Everyone else can maintain their usual spot. For the eighth time in a row, right field is apparently the most desirable position (as right field is the slackeriest spot in the slackeriest "sport" of all time), mostly due to almost everybody being a righty and a dead pull hitter. The fine art of using the entire field is lost. Just because it's where you all want to be doesn't mean you can all congregate there like in '16. I mean, WTF, people. Besides, kristinbytes has long claimed that spot and would like to drink her G&Ts in peace. Don't crowd the kristin.

Uncanny X-Men #201, January 1986,Marvel Comics, by Claremont and R. Leonardi

The chart indicates it's Simon's turn to pitch this year. Underhand slow pitch, Simon. Stop telling us about your experiences as a cricketer. It's just confusing everyone with the "Fine Leg", "Short fine third man", "Jiggery pokery", etc. I'm not sure what you're talking about most of the time anyway. Is Merv Hughes even a real person?
Uncanny X-Men #201, January 1986,Marvel Comics, by Claremont and R. Leonardi. Is the bald guy supposed to be Don Regan, Reagan's chief of staff in his second term? Doesn't look like him at all, Leonardi.

k2b? You can't play catcher again, as much as you like staying close to home. Sorry, it's spaced99's turn. And OWYAC, the drag bunt was cute the first three times but let's cut that out.

Remember that the 16" ball is the size of a cantaloupe with the firmness of a half-filled water balloon. Strike the ball with one smooth swing instead of whacking it with all your might. Envision the ball coming to the bat and leaping into orbit. 

We're going to beat Team ClashTalk, those no-good snarky snarks, this year. I can feel it. Winning isn't everything, but it sure would be nice to win at least once. Ahhh, but listen to me go on. Let's just get out there and show them how a Backtalk team can work together. And, hey. Don't let me catch you not having fun. 

* The cooler, right by the first base side dugout (you probably don't have to guard it, CTSenVy. Seriously it's fine. *Sloshed* is just Hannibal's general state. Probably), is filled with assorted Whiteclaw and Arizona Iced Tea flavors, courtesy of owl, who can't make it this year due to "general malaise," whatever that means!

See you on the 21st!

BONUS pinup by Thomas Kinkade, Master of Light 🙄 Would've used it for the header image but GAH my eyes:

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