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Friday Morning Open Thread

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Miércoles OT – El Mundo de los Vampiros

Guillermo Murray is Count Sergio Subotai in The World of Vampires. Stop me if you've heard this story before: Vampires want to wipe out humanity and rule the world. "But then what will we eat?" is the question every sensible vamp should ask. But that kind of thing probably makes would-be dictators like Count Subotai mad. That's Mauricio Garcés half-heartedly fending off the hot vampire in the poster below.

The World of Vampires, dir. Alfonso Corona Blake, 1960. Apparently one alternate title was Revenge of the Vampire.

Terence Fisher's movies for Hammer inspired filmmakers around the world. Mexico's answer to Christopher Lee had the biggest collar though. 

I haven't seen it, but an IMDb user summarized it thusly – "'El mundo de los vampiros' tells the tale of when a vampire uses two sisters to seek revenge from the last member of a family that persecuted the vampires in Europe, but his plan is threatened by a man who knows how to destroy him with a peculiar piece of music."

It's been uploaded to various video sharing sites, but I haven't found any translated into English. My one year of Spanish in 7th grade is inadequate. If you're Spanish is serviceable, you should totally watch it forthwith and report back.

Erna Martha Baumann is Martha, a hot vampire... sometimes.

I'm typing this at 3:40 the morning of publish date, if you're wondering what the heck this is. I don't know either. I just put off writing up an OT. And kid was extra difficult last night. Kid just finished her homework, already two days late, and now I don't know whether to stay up or snooze for a couple of hours. Today is going to be just grand.

Good morning.

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