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Thursday Morning Open Thread

  I stared in confusion for more than 2 hours. Several times muttering to myself  “WTF am I watching”  A sliver of a chance of brilliance, o...

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Thursday Morning Open Thread


I stared in confusion for more than 2 hours. Several times muttering to myself  “WTF am I watching”  A sliver of a chance of brilliance, or just CGI rambling and nonsense.

Feel free to jump to the end if you don’t want a giant movie rant. I’m probably ranting to get this out of my system.

Megalopolis is a movie about Rome set in a world the looks like modern day NYC, but clothes inspired by the 1920’s or Roman Togas, unless it’s futuristic (just jumps randomly) and some modern cars, and a few old cars. Madison Square Garden is merged with the Roman coliseum. Sometimes dialogue turns into Shakespeare monologues, or TED talks designed to sound like Shakespeare. No none of it makes sense.

Some cool shots and visuals but I was over that after the first hour. The story really doesn’t get moving until the last third of the movie.  By then most of the attempts of iconic shots come across as trying too hard

Aubrey Plaza plays what could have been one of the easiest characters to dislike ever, but Shia LaBeouf plays an even more unlikable character. So annoying you just want them gone and out of the story.  

It feels like a bad parody that mostly misses out on jokes. Which kind of brings me to the sliver of potential brilliance.  The story is basically about how their society is doomed to fail because everyone is too engrossed with giant excess of wealth and ego projects. The people that could make the changes are too busy fighting each other and engaging in self destructive behavior to do any good. So this movie which itself comes across as a giant waste of money driven by ego could be an attempt at a brilliant metaphor. Or it’s just a giant failure of a giant attempt at an epic movie.

Brightside of the night, the same place is showing the 4K version of the Fog by John Carpenter on Friday night. It’s a 10pm showing for their Halloween movies series. So I’ll probably head there for that.

I feel a little better after that. How’s your day shaping up?

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