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Tuesday Evening Post

  Caption the scene above.

Sunday, October 31, 2021

All Hallows Eve ghOsTie👻

How goes your ghoulish fun, if you are celebrating Halloween today? All the little goblins have started coming 'round, and I'm curious to see how many will be out tonight. So far, mostly preteen ghosties (and princesses, clowns, & Marvel characters) have stopped by.

However many show up, I've got:

• pumpkin carved (not my best effort, but still cheerfully toothy)

The Photo Ghoulery


It’s your weekly Photo Gallery! Come on in, take a look at what people have been up to over the past week and share some of your own photos.

They don’t need to be taken with a fancy camera or works of art. Share any SFW photos you’ve taken with even the poorest of potatoes. Of course we love to see that arty stuff too. 

Halloween Morning Open Thread

 Happy Halloween for those who celebrate.

Saturday, October 30, 2021


"While Psycho was getting its success and formula ripped off all during the 60's, which I'm sure you remember first hand, there was another tradition cooking in the red sauce over in Italy's boot heel. Or maybe the leg part. This isn't geography. I'm talking about the giallo, Sir, which is a word that means yellow and a name that means trashy movie with a body count. As you can tell, a giallo is like a proto-slasher. It is to the slasher what dinosaurs are to birds. Why the giallo is super important is that it's where the camera technique was born that's basically what Carpenter would do in 1978 for Halloween. Killers in giallos don't wear masks. I mean, Sir, they do wear masks but they're hand-masks. What's a hand-mask you ask? That would be a glove. Killers in giallos all wear these black gloves. Those gloves are like that Father Death robe in Scream. They hide gender and race and body type and marriage status and tattoos and finger-count and also knuckle-hairiness ( Pamela Voorhees , ha ha). But the camera in the giallos is always looking at those gloves doing their bloody work. And because everything is limited to what those killer eyes can see, black gloves are all that are needed to keep an identity hidden as set-up for the reveal." 

My Heart is a Chainsaw - Stephen Graham Jones (2021) 

Samhain & Halloween Weekend 2021 Saturday Night OT


👻 Before the Curse of the 23-hour Day 🎃


Bill and Ben were never like this! Is this the sacrifice the Great Pumpkin demands for Halloween? Last week there was a strange fluid emanating from the monster pumpkins at work. I wonder what's was under all those golden balls? 

Got any plans for Nos Galan Gaeaf or Samhain

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Thursday evening open thread

 Here's a couple of videos and pics from our trip to Prince Edward County. Kia met a horse! She was quite excited when we walked up to the field and she could see the horses; she made her "hoo hoo hoo" hello noise. And the beetles in the first video are box elder beetles, which were swarming at that time


OK, folks - hope y'all have saved up some good huffy grumblings for this special time of the week. Here's your moment to let loose!

Thursday Morning Boo!


The morning post has seen a ghost. What y'all haunting around about today?

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Hands Up! Who Likes Wednesdays? [Looks Around] ... Poor Wednesday

Midweek madness! Well, hopefully more like midweek mellowness for us all. I think some nice quiet time would be good for many of us right about now. How's yer doon?

Good morning!

 Wednesday is back again. Who is ready to get spooooooky this weekend? I bought so much candy to pass out!

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Tuesving OT

Tuesday winds down around us. Or whatever day/time/dimension you're in is doing ... something. Tell us all about it.

Tuesday Haiku


This strange flower

Investigated by butterflies and birds

The autumn sky.

-Matsuo Bashō

Tuesday Morning OT


Hello hello. 

What’s going on in your world?

Monday, October 25, 2021

Monday Evening Open Thread

Voops! Nearly forgot to get this one in! Chat the rest of your Monday away!

Did I just get ghosted?


Time for a discussion to compare our different views on various subjects of the world. 

Monday Morning Open Thread


Good morning, all, and welcome to the last week of October. What spooky revelations of wisdom do you hope to uncover?

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Sunday evening chatter


There's absolutely no chance Alice would have the patience for this, but it would be very cute.

Whoever wrote this "definitive" ranking of Halloween candy must've been on a sugar high. They put Tootsie Rolls ahead of Smarties, M&M, and Twizzlers. This is clearly a wrong opinion. https://dailyhive.com/vancouver/best-worst-halloween-candy

What would you keep and what would you trade?

The Photo Gallery

 It’s your weekly Photo Gallery! Come on in, take a look at what people have been up to over the past week and share some of your own photos.

They don’t need to be taken with a fancy camera or works of art. Share any SFW photos you’ve taken with even the poorest of potatoes. Of course we love to see that arty stuff too. 

Sunday Morning Open Thread

Any plans for today?

Saturday, October 23, 2021

What We Might Have Here Is A Failure to Communicate: IATSE Trying to Warn About Conditions Leading Film Site Shooting Was An Object Lesson - Saturday Night OT


I think – if we’re not already there – that we have no choice to assume that the MSM isn’t telling us the truth at all, ever, about anything … especially when it comes to what Big Business / Big Pharma / Big Medicine are concealing about things like working conditions, Americans’ health generally, voting rights, voting access, reproductive healthcare access … basically anything that the current U.S. Democrats are trying to fix, and that the “Dickens class”, if you will, not only wants to drag us all back there but wants some of us not just to have less than nothing but not to be unhappy about it.

Saturday Chat

Spoken to any good lampposts lately? Ours are getting chatty.

Dune (2021) - dir. Denis Villeneuve


It's real easy for me to be cynical and shit on most everything. But this movie has a magic to it. It captures the essence of what it was like to be in the theater when I was 9 or 10 years old, not in a nostalgic sense, but when the lights came down and my dopey little face was fed big ideas through the medium of sci-fi fantasy writ large on the silver screen. Rewiring my neurons. Fucking around with my brain chemistry. Haven't felt that way in a long time. Now that I do, I am positively ecstatic. I don't want to suggest this heralds some sort of cinematic renaissance. I don't want to make it out be something more than it is. But what it is, is confirmation that films like these can still have big things to say. They can be possessed by complex ideas and strangeness while still fitting comfortably in a megaplex. 


Friday, October 22, 2021

Friday Evening Open Thread

 Good evening.

Halloween III: Season of the Witch was released on this date, 1982.

....whatever that is.

Fur Face Friday


Hello and happy Fur Face Friday, everyone, at the end of a long autumn (depending on your hemisphere) week. Last week was just full of the kind of pets you wish for. Kinda like Krispy’s shelter cat friend Dennis.



Friday Morning Open Thread

If you're not ready for Halloween, you've still got some time to carve your turnip.

Long before the pumpkin became the Halloween decoration of choice, people across the Britain carved ghoulish faces into turnips and placed them near doorways to frighten away evils spirits, the charity said.

The practice originated from an Irish folk tale about a man named Jack who, after trying to trick the devil, was cursed to roam the earth with only a burning coal held inside a hollowed-out turnip. - Carve a turnip

So if you didn't have big plans for this weekend, maybe you do now.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Goodness This Month Is Moving Along. Happy Wed. Survival

Wow, 20 October already. It's amazing what being able to go do things (with most Aussies being sensible with masks and such, so it's not like walking out into a madhouse) can do to one's sense of time passing. What was your Wednesday like?

Happy Wednesday!

 It's getting chilly and fall-like here! The leaves are gorgeous and we are expecting seven straight days of rain! How are things where you are? 

We have a whole posse of these dudes patrolling the neighborhood daily.

Monday, October 18, 2021

It Was Monday

So how'd it all go?

Master of disguise


Every week a different topic, every week a different chance to learn more about each other. This is what Parley Vous Mondays are all about.

Monday Morning Open Thread


Morning, all. Have a seat for a moment and tell us your big dreams and/or small hopes for the week ahead.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Sunday evening chit chat


I'm conserving my energy for tomorrow, when I'll play my first hockey league game in two years. It starts around my bedtime (after 9pm! ack!) so I'm loafing now in anticipation. How are you preparing for your week? Post below... I'm all ears!

The Photo Gallery

 It’s your weekly Photo Gallery! Come on in, take a look at what people have been up to over the past week and share some of your own photos.

They don’t need to be taken with a fancy camera or works of art. Share any SFW photos you’ve taken with even the poorest of potatoes. Of course we love to see that arty stuff too. 

Sunday Morning Coup


Hello and happy Sunday, all. Does your cup runneth over or has it just tipped and given up altogether?

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Back & Forth and Try Again – Succession Return and Dune Anticipation Weekend – Saturday Night OT


Cover of the NYT Mag - and the artist IINM is Basi Butler

One thing we're doing tonight is mini-focusing on Aaliyah in part because someone in the TL pointed out how he'd forgotten how good she was.

Saturday chinwag

The other month a little black kitten with red collar took a peek into the storeroom at work. Then she ran away when she saw I had spotted her. So cute. Her name is Betty and she sometimes follows her owner to the shops. Lots of covert surveillance of what the humans get up to. Come in and say hello Betty.

Friday, October 15, 2021

The Friday Evening Post

 Good evening.

It's Friday evening again. Watching anything especially good? Anything good and scary? Tell us how you're going to "release the hounds" this weekend.

Fur Face Friday

 I wish that every day was Saturday and every month October - Charmaine J Forde

Well, I wish that every day was Fur Face Friday and that all dogs wore shades like Sailor Jupiter's Scruffy

Friday Morning Open Thread

 We can do this! Right?
