Featured Post

Tuesday Evening Post

  Caption the scene above.

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Sunday evening OT

Where does the day go? 



The Photo Gallery

 It’s your weekly Photo Gallery! Come on in, take a look at what people have been up to over the past week and share some of your own photos.

They don’t need to be taken with a fancy camera or works of art. Share any SFW photos you’ve taken with even the poorest of potatoes. Of course we love to see that arty stuff too.

Bunday Morning



Good morning, o fuzzy conceptual citizens of the internet. Drop by and share your thoughts, or lack thereof.

Friday, July 29, 2022

Friday Evening Post

 Good evening.

What's new? I've got to try and fix a toilet, fix a car, and finish some baseboard work.

Fur Face Friday

Happy midsummer to all of you in Fur Face world! It's been a fun and friendly month in this corner of the interwebs (check out the great sampling in last week's comments) which can be summed up in this chipper greeting from Simon's neck of the woods:

Hello Neigh-bour! (I couldn't resist!)

Friday Morning Open Thread

July 29th is National Chicken Wing Day.

The Spruce / Cara Cormack

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Wednednednednesday Nightish Tyme

Sing. Sing your song. Sing out loud; sing out strong.

Bon Dia! Happy (?) Wednesday

 How is the week going? Does anyone keep houseplants? Tell me about your houseplants? I have a green thumb for my garden but it used to be pretty black indoors. I have been stretching my wings a little lately though...

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Toozdeevnin OrpahThread

Here we are again. How are we again?

Tuesday Haiku


The whispering voices

Of despised mosquitoes 

Fill me with dread.

-Nakamura Kusatao

Kobayashi Eijiro

Good morning 🌻


It’s Tuesday, folks, and there’s no getting around it. Gotta get through it as best we can.

Monday, July 25, 2022

Monday, Nighttime Opine Thread - Adapt or Die

I watched John Huston's Wise Blood last week. Other than being set in the 70s instead of the late 40s/early 50s of O'Connor's book, it was remarkable in its faithful adherence to her story. Kept most of the memorable lines from the book. " No man with a good car needs to be justified!"

Brad Dourif in a rare leading role as Hazel Motes

Did you know that…?


It’s the weekly discussion post! Come on in and let’s see how similar and how different our viewpoints are.

Monday Morning Open Thread


Hello and welcome to a new week, folks. Hope that things are looking up for at least some of us. 


Sunday, July 24, 2022

Evening all! Let's Talk Corvid for a Change


Some things I didn't know about crows: 

Why crows sunbathe


The Photo Gallery

It’s your weekly Photo Gallery! Come on in, take a look at what people have been up to over the past week and share some of your own photos.

They don’t need to be taken with a fancy camera or works of art. Share any SFW photos you’ve taken with even the poorest of potatoes. Of course we love to see that arty stuff too.

Bunday Yawning Open Thread



Morning, all y'peeps. I got nothin', so enjoy this multicultural tidbit of stuff.


Friday, July 22, 2022

Friday Evening Post

 Good evening.

"Quiet Moment" by Antonia Tyz Peeples.

Fur Face Friday

Hello and welcome to Fur Face Friday. Last week we visited our sweet summer children (with a nod to the winter of feline contentment). This week it’s high summer for real and everything is so very green and alive.

Krispy’s sheltercat friend Turtle is full of natural big-eyed kitten wonder.

The world, it's so very big, and I am so very smol.

Friday Morning Open Thread

 How's your week been?

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Thursday evening open thread

 Enjoy 30 seconds of a northern Ontario lake. Turn your volume up for the wave sounds, and sorry that it's a bit out of focus.


So, whose day/week has been bad enough they some help mopping up? Fuss below.

Thursday Morning Open Thread


Sad Pug to Happy Daisy!

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

So ... Wednesday. Yup; Wednesday.

How'd your day go?

Wakey, Wakey Wednesday

 Or, you know, just sleep in if you want. You do you! Record your special thoughts in the comments below. 

Monday, July 18, 2022

Monday Needs Some OT (Occupational Therapy), or "ARGH! MY ANKLE!"

May all your joints remain in their proper places.

Strange Tales 178, Marvel Comics, February 1975. Art and convincing, gripping monologue by Jim Starlin

Let’s get cookin’


Each week we share and compare tidbits about our personalities and tastes and opinions on different topics. Welcome to another round of Parley Vous? Mondays.

Monday Morning Open Thread


Gooood morning and welcome to another Monday. Time to get back on track in whatever rent-management scheme you have at your disposal. But first, stop and have a little confab with your invisible internet friends here.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Sunday evening OT


Nearly posted this on GT. Oops! 

Last night I rewatched Shanghai Triad for the first time since college. It's as good as I remember, but also watching art house films may be one of the reasons I was depressed. Or maybe it's the other way around.

Was young BC/C miserable because of depressing movies, or drawn to depressing movies because she was full of angst? The whole movie isn't depressing; it's beautiful to look at, the writing is tight, characters have arcs. It's easy to see why it got so much attention and nominations back in 1995. That said... I didn't feel better about humanity at the end.


The Photo Gallery

  It’s your weekly Photo Gallery! Come on in, take a look at what people have been up to over the past week and share some of your own photos.

They don’t need to be taken with a fancy camera or works of art. Share any SFW photos you’ve taken with even the poorest of potatoes. Of course we love to see that arty stuff too.

Sunday Morning Open Thread

Feeling lazy.

Friday, July 15, 2022

Friday Evening Post

 Good evening.

What's new? That fine piece of art is by Evgeny Lushpin.

Fur Face Friday!

 Hi all, we've made it to the end of another week so let's celebrate with Fur faces!

Let's check out last week's best!

Summer is in full swing and Springboard's Luna was outdoors enjoying the flowers:

Friday Morning Open Thread

 How's your week been?

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Vennsdiy Evenink. The Sun; It Sets. Vee Are All Bored.

Vaht; Vaht? 'Oo eez deez 'oo deesturps mai sailance? Oh ... oh vell, eef you mussst speak, zen speak. 'Oo am I to shtop you? I vould offer money for yair sailance, but zen ... I'd oanlee be ... a loan.

Wednesday Morning Thingity


Good morning, errbuddy. This is a morning thread so skate on by and say howdy.

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Tuesday Evening Weldcome

Didja see what I did there? Didja? Huh? Huh? ... anyway, have a chat.
