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Wednesday OT2 – RE: Backtalk Team Building Activity This Year

I thought this would be a good time to remind you all that signing up for the annual team building activity isn't mandatory, but it is h...

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Wednesday AM OT – This Is the Modern World

What kind of fool do you think I am? You think I know nothing of the modern world? Remember your first computer? Came with its own dynamo and a burly he-man to pull the levers and crank the wheels. Kids today have it too easy.

The first YouTube video was just a clip of an old man yelling at you. Not exactly Émile Coué, I'd say!

And for your titillation, the only options were suggestive clips of Paulette Goddard, of which there were only two. Hold on to your hats, gentlemen!

Pornographic Hubba Hubba dot com c. 1936

Look out boys, she'll chew you up!

You try and tell the kids that, and they won't believe you. Smoke and mirrors summoned by that disreputable magician, Harry Blackstone!

Anyone else remember their first computer? Difference engine? Mobile telegraph? 

* all gifs from Modern Times, 1936, of course.

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