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Monday Morning Open Thread

Hello and welcome to another week in the world.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Wednesday Am Ot

Sorry about Monday, and thank you to whoever posted the OT (guessing k2b since she's Johnny-on-the-spot when others are remiss, so thanks, k2b). There was a health emergency which took me out of town, and I'd left my phone at home. I was out from 1:30PM 'til about 11PM. Nobody died but I feel like garbage, at least partly because the only food I'd eaten was from a hot dog joint nearby. Basket of fries at around 3. Actually, it was cheese fries. You know, for the calcium

Anyway that's my excuse. I can't promise it won't happen again, but I'll try to call in and at least say I've got a bad cold. 

Me: I can't [cough cough] come in today. [cough cough]
Manager: Oh no. You're the 3rd person to call in this week. Are you down with the flu too?
Me: Worse. I'm down with OPP.
Manager: Oh no. 
Manager: ... 
Manager: Um. What is it? Is it catching?  
Me: OPP...  [cough cough] ... How can I explain it?

(Apologies for being so vague/jokey, but I'm not ready to talk about it and probably never will be)

What about you? Heard (or given) any weird, terrible excuses lately?

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