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Saturday, June 22, 2024

Backtalk is 10 years old! 🥳


Here’s to 10 more, Villagers. Let’s celebrate.

“Welcome to BackTalk. Have a doughnut.” 🍩 

The opening words to the original launch of BackTalk. Though the exact date is now lost to history and Kinja, sometime this month marks the 10th year anniversary of BackTalk. 

We had to evacuate to our new Village home when Kinja went boom. Our numbers have dwindled. But we’re still here, talking back and sharing fur faces every Friday.

Many thanks to our founders OwlIsLost, Snacktastic, and CheerfulExGirlfriend for creating a place that felt like our internet home so long ago. I hope they’re all doing well, wherever they are. 

Let’s celebrate with gifs and doughnuts, pet pics and funny quips, movie quotes and YouTube songs, memories of BackTalk and mushy internet hugs. All of our favorite traditions.

I love you, Balkers. Thanks for being you. ❤️

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