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Tuesday Evening Post

  Caption the scene above.

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Some Rest and Some Joy on a Saturday Night – OT


Ruben Santiago Hudson told Jonathan Capehart this morning in Tiffany Cross’s hour (because she is on vacay and has been covering for Joy Reid during the week all week) that 

We don’t forget what led up to needing it.  We certainly remember the people who continue to LEAD THE WAY in making it permissible and to their critics we say *raspberry*

with (in comments) a nice little case of schadenfreude in both Piers Morgan’s and Novak’s case

Oh, Novak


Goodbye July Saturday

It is Jump for Jelly Beans Day. Higher! You are going to have to do better than that.  Mind you, I prefer Jelly Babies myself.

Friday, July 30, 2021

The I Don't Feel Like It Just Let Me Sleep Friday Open Thread

Good evening. Here's your Friday earworm.


Fur Face Friday


Welcome everyone! Once again, it's FINALLY Fur Face Friday. Patience is a virtue and in case you missed it, it was on full display last week

Friday Morning Open Thread

To paraphrase, Give me the contentment of a bodega cat in a big box of Mexican pork rinds.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Thursday evening open thread

 It's baaaack!

I can't see a comments section, though, and the layout is, well it's something.



It's that time of the week to sing the song of our people, and take special time to really let loose with what's bothersome or brutal in out lives right now. G'head! I dare ya!

Thursday Morning Open Thread!


Good Morning and welcome to Thursday.  Internet is still spotty here so keeping this quick.

How’s it going for you?  

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

I Shall Not Try To Spell Wenzday. But Here's Your Evening OT

Hump day for some, what day is it? for others. I think we even have a change of month coming soon. I don't know; I have only left the house to take out the trash or feed the birds for like a month now. Hows yooz doon?

Slate Landscape is a World Treasure


It's official! We are now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The landscape created by the Victorian slate mining boom is up there with the pyramids and Taj Mahal.

The Slate Landscape of Northwest Wales has become the UK’s newest UNESCO World Heritage Site, having been granted the accolade today, at the 44th session of the World Heritage Committee.

Happy Wednesday! Good Morning!

 Someone remind to just schedule these posts for the next few weeks. I never know what day it is and won't until school starts, I fear! How is everyone??

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Tuesday Evening Chit-Chat

So ... 'sup?

Tuesday Haiku


Onyx, this gem-black night.

Downcast, I await your return,

Like the rising sun, unrivaled in splendor.

-Ō no Yasumaro

2️⃣sday ☀️ Open 🧵


Good morning BackTalk. 

Time to drag your body out of bed and feed the cats (and/or dogs). 

Monday, July 26, 2021

Monday Evening Thingywhatsit

 Ohai. Here we are again. 

I went out into the world today and walked a trail for way, WAY too long and now I am doing silly walks around the house so my legs don't pop out of their sockets when I try to get up tomorrow.

To plan or not to plan


Welcome to our weekly discussion thread. Come on in and we’ll weigh out different viewpoints on a new subject.  

Uuuuugh Monday

 Morning, folks.

O mighty Ceiling Cat, watch over us this day, and smite down any fonkiness that might cramp our style.

What's up with y'all?

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Sunday evening already?

 I think a better title for this video would be "Adorable rabbit indifferent to seals." 

I can't decide if the seal is just curious or thinking "lunch." Maybe a little of both? 

I've been watching Sarah Millican videos on youtube. This one is almost SFW, aside from the swearing. I especially love it when she says rude things while she sounds like Mrs. Doubtfire, or gets the audience talking.

The highlights of my day was taking the post-vaccination blood sample for the Covid study, and making a nice guacamole. Might do some more sewing this evening.

What's up?

The Photo Gallery

It’s your weekly Photo Gallery! Come on in, take a look at what people have been up to over the past week and share some of your own photos.

They don’t need to be taken with a fancy camera or works of art. Share any SFW photos you’ve taken with even the poorest of potatoes. Of course we love to see that arty stuff too. 

Sunday Morning Open Thread

 It's already very sunny out this morning and supposed to get rather warm so I'll be staying in today.

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Sportsball and the Gaslighty Overuse & Misuse of the Illusion of Fair Play Mid First Oympic Weekend OT



I’m going to need someone who knows a little bit more about cannabis biochem to tell me what the difference is between THC and CBD, because right now all I’m seeing is hypocrisy (well, that and the standard /longstanding racism & classism in the place where our national & international “convincers” and “influencers” and “smoothers over”).


(I was going to put the barrelful of Tweets I’d seen about this in the post but I will put them in comments because the heat / humidity combo is making my computer slo-ow)

For sharp contrast, we have the way Brett Kavanaugh was treated in the "investigation" by the FBI during his confirmation hearing by the then (and still) head of the FBI his law school buddy Chris Wray (as Elie pointed out this morning - his comments will also be in chat) -- where of the 4000+ comments that came in about his prior conduct only 10 (!!!) were actually investigated ... and apparently the 83 ethics complaints he had against him as a member of the federal bench were dropped because someone (it's not quite clear to me yet who, honestly) decided it wouldn't be "fair" to hold those against someone who's now sitting on the SCOTUS bench.

So to me it seems the easy remedy to THAT would be to impeach him (as Elie again points out).

But in order for that to happen the whole country would have to be both playing by and subject to the same set of rules.

So I guess we'll have to see.


Howdy Cowboys (and Gals)! 🤠

Keep them dogies rollin'. It's the Day of the Cowboy. We called them Drovers round here and they also used to handle sheep, ducks and geese. And other stuff.

Friday, July 23, 2021

Friday Evening Post

 Good evening.

That GIF seems appropriate as I'm feeling ultra-lazy and ready to go to bed. Hope everyone has a fine evening and good weekend.

Fur Face Friday

 Hello all you lovers of adorable beasties! Welcome to a mid-summer Fur Face-ing where we will celebrate some simply adorable faces from last week's crop of cuties.

First up is a festive Fanny

Let's all appreciate that hat since Fanny isn't!

Friday Morning Open Thread

 Another long week - yet an amazingly short summer. It's already late July.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Thursday evening open thread

 I got mostly nothing, so from Bored Panda, some bird memes, and possibly the cutest donkey evar!



Clearly everything is terrible and we are all doomed. But it's the little things, y'know? The little things that stick in the craw and need release. Feel free to complain here about things big or little that have been bothering you this week.

Thursday Morning Open Thread!


So we have rounded the bend to the weekend.  Did anybody know today was the anniversary of the first official car race?

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Tuesday Evening Talkies

Tuesday's here and on the wane! How is everyone?

Tuesday Haiku


The summer moon

There are many paper lanterns 

On the street.

-Masaoka Shiki

Tuesday Morning OT


Good morning!

Ready to face the day ahead? 

Yeah. Me neither.

Monday, July 19, 2021

Monday Evening Open Thread



 Evening, all. Whatcha doin'? Just hanging around?

Font-tastic Ideas


How do your preferences and dislikes measure up against everyone else’s? Well, let’s find out. That’s why each week we a examine a different talking point.

Monday AM OT

 I don't see anything in drafts. If the One True Post shows up, please take the party over there. 

I've been wasting some time with this kitten game. Enjoy! 

Sunday, July 18, 2021

More Sunday Chit Chat!


I've been very content to sit at home. Today I walked up to the main street, bought a coffee and some bread, then sat in the yard with Alice, read a book, and that's been my day. I'm keeping my head down like this little octopus.

The Photo Gallery

 It’s your weekly Photo Gallery! Come on in, take a look at what people have been up to over the past week and share some of your own photos.

They don’t need to be taken with a fancy camera or works of art. Share any SFW photos you’ve taken with even the poorest of potatoes. Of course we love to see that arty stuff too. 

Sunday Morning Chit Chat!

 I don't see anything in drafts for an open thread, but if one turns up, please disregard this one. 

What's up?

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Just Hide in the Bedroom As Needed Assuming You Haven't Been Redlined – John Lewis In Memoriam and Biz Markie RIP … & OT



Got inspiration for that title from a comment earlier today … as we’re all going through this incredibly weird weather exacerbated by a climate crisis Exxon & its fossil fuel brethren are paying Republican Senators & Congresspeople to pretend isn’t happening … even as we’re hearing about 2 months’ worth of rain in just 2 days over in West Germany and Belgium.


*oh, look, here comes the rain again here*

Saturday in Sidneyland 🧵🎁


How are you this fine Emoji Day? 😻😼😽😺😸🐱‍👤🐱‍🏍🐱‍💻🐱‍🐉🐱‍👓🐱‍🚀 These cats live in Disneyland but there is this really big mouse that still eludes them.

Friday, July 16, 2021

Friday Evening Post

 Good evening.

How's the weather?

Fur Face Friday

 Fur Face Friday!

We're in the Dog Days of Summer. So named for the return of Sirius the Dog Star, Alpha Canis Majoris, to the night sky. And Kiltedpadre's pup niece Poppy is truly stellar. But FFFans know that all our animal friends shine brightly. Gaze on last week's submissions for proof.

⭐Flos Ridiculam⭐

Friday Morning Open Thread

 It's Friday morning. Yawn.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Thursday evening open thread

 Here's a possible addition to BalkTalk Village, from Boing boing. It's a double geodesic dome which isn't very attractive from the outside, but has some intriguing interior features.



Here's your chance to let your inner pessimist off-leash. What's irked and annoyed you this week? Group grumble here.

Thursday Morning OpenThread!


Happy Thursday Everyone!  It’s Rembrandt’s birthday, so I’m sharing classic art memes this week.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Wednesday Evening Yakkity-Yak

So how did everyone's (well, most everyone's) hump day go? What's on for dinner and any tv viewing, or other adventure?

Morning, Balkers!

Up and at 'em! How are things? Cool things hatching in your parts? 

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Tuesday Evening Talkity-Talk

Yes, it has been Tuesday. How has everyone done? May you have a well-earned restful remainder of the day.

Tuesday Haiku


Because morning glories

Held my well-bucket hostage

I went begging for water

-Fukuda Chiyo-ni 

Good morning


Yum yum everyone likes watermelon...
