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Friday Evening Post

 Good evening.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Thursday evening open thread

 And now for something completely different.


Time to complain! What's been bugging you about life, the world, etc this week? No fuss is too big or small here.

Thursday Morning Open Thread.


I may have spent time watching a Buster Keaton documentary and then Sherlock Jr.  That’s about the time I remembered oh yeah the Open Thread!

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Wheh-Duh-Neds-Day Evening OT

OK, halfway through the week (for those of us still able to keep track). How's everone doing?

Morning, Balkers!

 Happy Wednesday. Whatcha balking about this week? 

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Tuesday. Yes, It's Tuesday. Well, Mostly Over For Many Of Us

I'm just waking up on Wednesday. But go ahead, tell me all about your Tuesday evening (unless you're in a weirdo time zone like me).

Tuesday Haiku


Faintly, faintly!

And even so, clearly

The Milky Way.

-Kiyozaki Toshio

Toosdai Mornin OT


Hello there! Ready for the day? Me neither 

Monday, September 27, 2021

Monday Evening Open Thread

Did everyone survive their Monday in this ever-weirder world? How'd you cope? Music? Cats? Other methods?

Be a good sport!


Every week there is a new installment of Parley Vous Mondays- a place to discuss and compare our different views on the subject at hand.

Monday Morning Open Thread


Morning, all. and welcome to yet another Monday. It's a prime moment to make peace with the world. How are you gonna do it?

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Sunday after International Bunday

 I was shockingly late to the International Rabbit Day party. 

Despite this, I think Alice had a pretty good weekend. Here she is enjoying an enormous new chew toy after I trimmed a branch that was touching the roof.

However not all bunnies are as fortunate on this special weekend. Between the climate emergency and habitat loss, lots of rabbits are no longer breeding like, well, rabbits. Many of our fluffly friends are joining the endangered list.🐇


Look at this adorable little volcano rabbit. It lives on just a few volcanos in Mexico, which is pretty badass. Unfortunately, it's in danger of losing its limited habitat. 


As usual, discuss all rabbit and non-rabbit related issues below.

The Photo Gallery


It’s your weekly Photo Gallery! Come on in, take a look at what people have been up to over the past week and share some of your own photos.

They don’t need to be taken with a fancy camera or works of art. Share any SFW photos you’ve taken with even the poorest of potatoes. Of course we love to see that arty stuff too. 

Sunday Morning Open Thread

I got nothing really so enjoy this photo of Angela Merkel with Australian rainbow lorikeets at a bird park. 

   Georg Wendt/Getty Images

Saturday, September 25, 2021

I Would Love It If The Passives Got Out Of Denial


It's Mark Hamill's birthday so we're featuring him because he is someone who is NOT in denial and takes appropriate action to get other people out

What shall we do with a randy goat herd? Yodeleee, yodelo, yooodeleeee-doh-oh 🐐

Those Great Orme goats are up to hijinks again. But they were given a helping hand in time for Wildlife Ecology Day. For some reason today is one of those days with a month of "Days" stacked on it. International Rabbits (it is Rabbit Adoption Week in Ontario), Ghost Hunters, lobsters, baking, cooking, One-Hit Wonders, you can binge them all. It is Binge Day after all.

Friday, September 24, 2021

The Friday Evening Post

 Good evening.

No credit available.

Fur Face Friday!

 Hey all, we've made it to Friday! I don't know about you, but I really need it! But I also need Fur Faces!

In any event, let's get to it and check out last week's best.

CarsOfFortLangley stopped by with old friend Targa and new friend Misty, who enjoyed some Jeeping. 

Friday Morning Open Thread

 Almost there. We got this, right?

Any plans for the upcoming weekend? Watching sportsball?

Maybe I'll get some stuff done but mostly I hope to be lazy. 

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Thursday evening open thread

 Last week I mentioned that I'd met an itty bitty pittie puppy. He reminded me of something that I couldn't put my finger on, and then it hit me; a Martian "dog" from the movie John Carter. So the puppy looked like this, only without a tail, and not green.


Time of the week to take a moment and savour our particular oppressive annoyances. Wallow in woe-is-me below!

Thursday Morning Open Thread


Today in 1889 Fusajiro Yamauchi founded a playing card company in Kyoto Japan.  He named that company Nintendo Karuta.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Evening of the Day of Wednes

Australia's time zones being closer to Pluto's than the rest of planet Earth's, it's nowhere near Wed. evening for me, but for most of us 'tis. Tell us all about it.

Welcome to Wednesday. And to fall.

Welcome to the greatest time of year. What is your favorite thing about autumn and why?

And how is life going these days? Any exciting updates?

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Tuesday, Tuesday (Bah! Bah! Bah-bah-bahhh-feh!)

Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday! Everyone's favourite day of the wee- no, cancel. That. Hands up! Who survived?

Tuesday Haiku


While you decline to cry,

High on the mountainside

A single stalk of plumegrass wilts.

-O no Yasumaro

Good morning ☀️


Rise and shine Balkers.

Another glorious Tuesday awaits us.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Monday Evening Otee

Monday hath snuck up behind us and lo, is nearly gone. Well, for most of us. How'd the start of your week go? Or shouldn't I ask?

Get outta my dreams, get into…


…Parley Vous? Mondays. Each week a new idea is brought forth for us all to voice our respective feelings about. 

(Monday AM ETA: My sincerest apologies to Agrajag and Kristinbytes, I’m sure the last thing you guys want to discuss this week is cars. This post was already planned since my own car’s check engine light went on last week.)

Monday Morning Open Thread


Morning, all. Summer's almost over and autumn's on the way. But first we've got to get through this day. 

What's the plan, folks?

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Shrödinger's Sunday Night OT

This evening, I both want to go out and do stuff, and also stay right here, and bake stuff while I listen to Some Assembly Required. It's the most recent book from my favourite paleontologist, Neil Shubin, who found our ancester tiktaalik rosea (pictured above, taking the first stroll.)


Which will I choose, gentle reader? Either way, I still need to pack my linch and be sure I'm ready to vote on my way home from work. I moved, so I may need to register at my polling place. I figure headphones are a good idea, so I can listen to my audiobook in line.

What's in your immediate future?

The Gallery

 It’s your weekly Photo Gallery! Come on in, take a look at what people have been up to over the past week and share some of your own photos.

They don’t need to be taken with a fancy camera or works of art. Share any SFW photos you’ve taken with even the poorest of potatoes. Of course we love to see that arty stuff too. 

Sunday Morning Open Thread

 It's Sunday morning. Got anything exciting planned for the day?

Friday, September 17, 2021

Open Thread / Socially Distant Friday Night BackTalk Party


Whassup homies?

Fur Face Friday

Hey hey happy Friday, all the peoples! It’s time once more to rejoice in the healing power of cute. Last week, our fur faces went for the prize. Looks like this week is the after-party.

Simon’s neighbor Geeto Gutto is still looking fabulous. 

My stylist is the real star.

Friday Morning Open Thread

 Another Friday.

What's up with you?

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Thursday evening open thread

 A new video from Dean and Nala. Apparently his laptop packed it in so he was unable to post anything for awhile. I think they're still in Austria.

Nala: *sniff*sniff*sniff* "We go fast!!"


 Hullo, boiz and goilz and boids an squoilz. 

Time once more to amplify the many ways we are failing and/or being failed at life. Whatchu got smacking you around this maybe-not-so-fine week?

Thursday Morning Open Thread


Morning everyone.  It’s BB Kings Birthday!

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Wednesday Evening Open Thread


Hey, howdy, it's Wednesday night and the hump is behind us. Huzzah, and stuff. How'd you get over it?

Good morning

 Hope you have a day full of floof. Tell us all about your week...

Monday, September 13, 2021

Monday Evening Open Thread

 What’s up? Didn’t see a thread up, so here’s one until the real one or a better one shows.

Call me maybe?


Welcome, come one, come all! Opinions large and small. It’s Monday and there’s always something new to discuss.

Monday Morning Thread


Morning, all. Do stop by and let us know how thrilled you are to be starting another work week.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Sunday Evening Chatter🌴

Did you know palms aren't trees? Or maybe they are? It's controversial. 

Any controversies in your weekend? I'll catch up with the chat when I get home from hockey practice.🥅🏒
