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Tuesday OT

  What’s the sorry, morning glory? What’s the word, hummingbird? Did you hear about Hugo and Kim??

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Tuesday OT


What’s the sorry, morning glory?

What’s the word, hummingbird?

Did you hear about Hugo and Kim??

Tuesday Haiku


The little rain frog

Rides on the banana tree

As it softly sways.



Toosdai OT


It’s another lovely Tuesday. How’s your week going so far?

Monday, July 1, 2024

July Rhymes with You Lie or To Die, Depending on Where You Live. OT Rhymes with Bowtie

[est. reading time: 20 seconds, est. writing time: 5 minutes, est. editing time: 0.5 minutes, proj. est. $ made: .0043 BlaurghBucks. some people call me the slapdash cowboy. come own come own, slap the pony. yeehaw.

FUN FACT: July is my least favorite month. August is also very bad. Parts of May and October are OK. The rest of the months are barely adequate. It's a BS month. And starting July off with a bang (as in bang bang, you're dead, democracy), I read the news today, oh boy. Someone give those six justices a raise. They're literally kingmakers. But on to more important BTV BS...

It Is Canada Day on Parlez Vous Monday


Monday Morning Open Thread


Hello and welcome to frikkin' July???!!!!!
