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Tuesday Evening Post

  Caption the scene above.

Thursday, December 31, 2020

White Rabbits 2021

White rabbits! Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit. Didn't really work out last year, but hopefully this coming year will bring better tidings. Maybe I should keep my trap shut.

Best wishes! Happy New Year! Blwydden Newydd Dda!

The strange tale of the Vampire Rabbit. Might be a hare. About 120 years old.

Happy New Year's Eve Open Thread (the last one of the year!)

 2020 Begone!

And may we have a Happier New Year!

Blaurgh!Talk New Year's Eve Edition

Last call for gripings, complaints, and general crabbiness for a year truly deserving of them! Clear the boards and get ready for a grumbly 2021, 'cause unlike certain Russian-installed puppet presidents, I have little faith in problems going 'poof!' and just like that, they're gone. Well! Who's gonna go first? You, with the hand up in the second row. You can start.

Happy New Years Eve Morning Open Thread


We've made it this far, just a handful of hours to go.  You got this!

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Wed Eve OT

Wednesday! The end of one helluva year is so close one can taste it (yuck)! Anyone making big plans to close out this bleakest of years? Or are we hiding under beds and playing it safe?

Good morning and goodbye

 To 2020, that is. It is finally almost time to turn our backsides to this colossal dumpster fire of a year and leave it in the dust.

How will you be spending your final Wednesday of the year?

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Tues Eve OT

Well, here we are, the last terrible Tuesday of a terrible 2020. Let us hope we've all made it through to wave an obscene gestureerrr, a farewell to this, that ickiest of weekdays, and may the Tuesdays of 2021 get their act together and bring us better times.

Tuesday Haiku


The yearโ€™s first day...
Thoughts come, and with them loneliness;
Dusk approaches 
-Matsuo Bashล

Last Tuesday of 2020 OT

Good morning!

Monday, December 28, 2020

Monday Evening Open Thread


It's hard to believe that this is my last Monday evening post of 2020.  What a kidney stone this year has been!

So I shall ask the obvious question - any New Year's resolutions?  What plans do you have for 2021?  I know a few people were talking about doing a big clean-up-and-out to greet the New Year: I assure you such a thing at Casa Finch is long overdue, so that's on my to-do list. So is getting rid of the Quarantine 15 I have been sporting since the spring, although since most of my Xmas presents were foodstuffs I don't see myself making much progress until the Xmas leftovers are gone.  Do you have any New Year's Eve rituals you observe - champagne, special eats, watching the fireworks over the Sydney Bridge (my personal favourite)?  Or will it be an early night?  Let me know in the comments, and stay safe out there.

Potayto, Potahto. Tomayto, Tomahto


Welcome. Come in and weigh in on todayโ€™s debate topic for Parley Vous Monday. 

Monday Morning OT

Monday! The most glorious time of the wee- ... no, cancel that. Who's working? Who has off? Who's still in a holiday-leftover coma? Whassup otherwise?

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Sunday Evening Ot

 Here we are at the end of the holiday weekend and the last Sunday of 2020. 

We're back in lockdown here, and to kick it off, a couple people have tested positive for the new strain of Covid. No one knows where they got it, so it's being transmitted in the community already. Yay.

If you couldn't see the planetary conjunction last week, fear not. It'll be visible for weeks yet, although Saturn and Jupiter won't be quite as close (according to my dad, who is usually well-informed on sciency things.) It's been overcast here for a while, but maybe the skies will clear next week, and I'll get a peek at them.


Anyone have projects on the go? I finished this sampler today and learned some new stitches. Never got around to making a gingerbread house, but it's probably for the best, since I would've ended up eating the whole thing by myself. That probably wouldn't end well.

I finished watching Case Histories series 2, and was left feeling dissatisfied. It was a good ending, but I wanted things to work out better for a few of the characters. Now they're stranded with no third series anywhere on the horizon. I've started re-watching Prime Suspect while I decide what to watch next. Any recommendations for British detective shows?

How are you spending the last few days of 2020?

The Photo Gallery

 Itโ€™s your weekly Photo Gallery! Come on in, take a look at what people have been up to over the past week and share some of your own photos.

They donโ€™t need to be taken with a fancy camera or works of art. Share any SFW photos youโ€™ve taken with even the poorest of potatoes. Of course we love to see that arty stuff too.

Sunday Morning Open Thread

Do octopus dream?

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Power Outages (No, Youโ€™re Not Imagining It) โ€“ Kwanzaa, Boxing Day & Post-XMAS OT



The lights in the bg here are also battery operated


About 9 hours after the power first went out on Christmas Eve and it was still raining, we figured that it takes longer to do repairs when technicians are rooting around in the dark and also have power tools that operate almost 100% by electricity.

18 hours later we were decidedly more impatient, as were (when I went to the carriersโ€™ Disqus page) several other customers in several other parts of the country so they couldnโ€™t just blame it on the East Coast outage.

I called and was able to get customer service โ€“ but when she said she was going to connect me to an actual person in tech support, the extension AI voice unceremoniously dismissed AND disconnected me


Then we wondered given the fact that the outage did NOT appear to be limited to our flood-stricken area but appeared in addition to be a sustained problem in several other far-flung areas of the country going back several weeks to boot.


As it turns out โ€ฆ I put the Tweets describing what people suspect are Russian attacks connected to their recent infiltration of several of our national departments in comments, because it turns out that just because youโ€™re paranoid it doesnโ€™t mean people (or transnational crime syndicates, as it happens) still arenโ€™t after you.



And now the cable and internet are out again.


And weโ€™re not the worst off of the people we know as this WH dangles relief for millions (probably at Putinโ€™s instruction).


But joy in the face of attempts to oppress is still defiance

Poxing Day Special Open Thread


Made it to Boxing Day. Hope you had a suitably socially distanced seasonal celebration and didn't give anything unexpected or unwanted. 

Why is it called Boxing Day?

Friday, December 25, 2020

Christmas Eve Open Thread

Merry Christmas everyone! (to those who celebrate)

 I've had a relaxing day after running around taking care of animals. I got myself some swell presents and put bow ties on the cats. They are my gift! 

Fur Face Friday

Happy Friday everyone, and Merry Christmas to those who are celebrating! Here at Fur Face Friday, there's one thing that we celebrate every day, and that's adorable cuteness. Fortunately, last week's comments were jammed full of cute - like these two:

(Max and Leo in super-cuddle mode at Krispy Porkchop's shelter)

In case you're new here, favorites are chosen by one of the Snout Selectors (facw, k2b, Hannibal, leahaven, and Iroqdemic), entirely on our own whimsy. WHIMSY! However, in the interest of solidarity, we try to select one dog picture and one cat picture (minimum!) each week. Other pets will also, of course, be considered. We love all your rats, bunnies, ferrets, and other furry, feathery, and finny pals. WE WILL NEVER DISCRIMINATE AGAINST CUTE.

Christmas Morning Open Thread

However you choose to celebrate the holiday this year - even if it's choosing not to celebrate -  I bring unto you good tidings of great joy. Even if that great joy is just making it through another day mostly okay. That's a lot these day. 

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Thursday evening (Xmas Eve) open thread

 It's your Thursday evening open thread!

So let's try posting Dean and Nala again, where Nala gets to pick her first Christmas Tree, and a snow themed post from Bored Panda.


I'm not aware of too many things. I know what I know, if you know what I mean.


Don We Now Our Blaurgh Apparel

Wot with it being Xmas Eve Day and all, I considered posting a holiday cheer anti-Blaurgh! post, but then not everyone is either a holiday sort (myself, for one) or, given 2020, is spending a holiday far from where and how they want to be. So for those of locked down or feeling isolated, Blaurgh away here! Sadness shared is sadness halved, as an old Arab proverb goes. Let's at least grumble together if needed.

"The Christmas Blues" - Dean Martin (1959)


Christmas Eve Morning Open Thread


When it comes to Christmas and it's Eve, your either a procrastinator, a Scrooge, or one of those people that love this time of year.

Tell 'em James Brown sent ya


"White Christmas" - Otis Redding (1967)


"Santa Claus Go Straight to the Ghetto" - James Brown (1966)


"All Alone in the World" - Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol (1962)

Mister Magoos Christmas Carol 1962 from ROCKET SKY 3D ANIMATION SCHOOL on Vimeo.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Almost-There Wednesday OT

Wednesday! I suppose by this time today we'll have found out in New South Wales if we're even gonna have Xmas Day, all depending on our little covid outburst and if it's been 'contained' enough to let most of the state ho ho ho away.Anyone else's Covidmas plans in dissaray or nullified completely? Anyone having (small decently-spaced familial) gatherings planned? Anyone just bah-hubugging it and binge-watching something fun?

Christmas Wrapping


"Christmas Wrapping" -- The Waitresses, 1981.

Show and Tell


Donโ€™t be shy, Backtalk. Show me your Christmas trees! Real or artificial, small or 6 ft tall. Letโ€™s showcase all our lovely Christmas trees, Balkers.

(Or your lights display. Or your holiday cooking projects. Holiday crafting? Pets in cute ugly sweaters?) Bring it all!

 Letโ€™s see all the ways that holiday spirit can make the end of 2020 seem a little bit better. 

Merry Wednesday!

 Crazy times these days. Who's almost ready for the big rumble on Friday?

You know what to do, folks. See you in the comments.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Tues Evening OT

Tuesday today! Two days til the big day! Who's ready? Who's just worn out?

Tuesday Haiku


Come come! Come Out!
From bogs old frogs command the dark
and look...the stars
-Takarai Kikaku

Tues Morning/Itโ€™s Almost Christmas Open Thread


Good morning everyone! Only a few days left until the man with the bag drops down the chimney and leaves each of you a big lump of coal, you cheeky little monkeys.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Monday Evening Open Thread

 Well, Balkers, we are in the home stretch.  Today is the first day of winter so now, by incredibly tiny increments, the days will be getting longer.  Chanukah and the solstice have been celebrated: we have only Xmas to go.  It sounds to me like most Balkers are ready for the big day and, we hope, that will give our Ghost a chance to down tools and have a well-deserved rest in the Ghost Lair.  What remains undone?  Presents? Cards?  Decorations?  Inform me of your state of readiness in the comments.  I've bought all the presents I'm going to buy, but I am still writing cards.

Kudos to spaced99 who tossed up a post last Monday when I suffered a major brain fart after a traumatic dentist's appointment.

Has anyone been able to see the planetary convergence?  I went out at the prescribed hour but it is overcast here and there is too much light pollution.  It's a pity as I won't be around when it happens again in another 400 years.

Well I think that...


Welcome to our discussions for this week. I hope youโ€™re feeling opinionated because itโ€™s about to come at you fast!

Monday Morning OT

OK, my Monday AM OT crap shoot continues; let's see if this one shows up in a timely manner. So ... Monday. 'Sup?

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Midwinter's Eve (for northerners)

 I'm not sure why the eve of the solstice is also called "midwinter" but here we are. The Winter Solstice officially happens at 5:06 am in my time zone. This evening there was a livestream of the sun setting over Stonehenge, which you can watch here if you've got some time.

Tomorrow there's the Great Conjunction, visible for the first time to humans since the 1200s! If it going to be cloudy near you tomorrow evening, fear not. There are many online viewing parties, with better telescopes.

 Great Conjunction 2020 viewing


Today is the beginning of my re-read of The Dark is Rising with the annual #TheDarkisReading book club. It's one tradition that's easy to keep this year.



Fluffy carrot thief in action: https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/1833660483504/

The Photo Gallery


Itโ€™s your weekly Photo Gallery! Come on in, take a look at what people have been up to over the past week and share some of your own photos.

They donโ€™t need to be taken with a fancy camera or works of art. Share any SFW photos youโ€™ve taken with even the poorest of potatoes. Of course we love to see that arty stuff too.

Sunday Morning Open Thread (and I remembered to add a title)

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Take Six Says Itโ€™s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year and Iโ€™d LIKE To Believe Them - Solstice Caturday OT


There is a solstice in two days.  Itโ€™s supposed to coincide with planetary movement that hasnโ€™t happened since the Renaissance.

It better be good.


We will get to the good news, knowledgeable people, fun people, and nice holidaze songs in the Disqus comments but there are a few things it feels necessary to cover first

In case anybody was wondering still, who's responsible for the holdup on COVID-19 relief just days before both Christmas and before the protection expires, it is nobody but Republicans.

Specifically, Toomey - who is NOT RUNNING AGAIN -- wanting the Federal Reserve to relinquish its control over small business loans after this travesty of a Maladministration is fumigated out of the People's House so that Republicans can steal all that money, and McConnell of course backing him up (while the Orange tries to plot some sort of ... martial law takeover of voting machines in four states from inside the actual White House.

Don't let anyone tell you anything other than that.

They are the worst.


โ€œWhat are the odds if left in office that he will continue trying to cheat? I will tell you: 100%. Not 5, not 10, not 50, but 100%. If you have found him guilty and you do not remove him from office, he will continue trying to cheat in the election until he succeeds.โ€

-- Adam Schiff, Trump's impeachment

 IMPEACH HIM AGAIN.  And prosecute the complicit Repugnicons.  The only debate at this point should be depraved indifference homicide or murder.

Stay trying to clear up the confusion from the Liar's Rhetoric but lighten the mood at the same time ... which is a trick some have mastered but I haven't yet.  Will keep trying.
